Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-13-Shiluach HaKen

2023-09-29 – LH5 – YD2 – Shiluach HaKen 4 – Para. 10b-14 – Korach’s Questions – Room Filled with Seforim Requires Mezuza – Impurity of Baheres – Skin Disease – Nitzavim – Ketores

Shiluach HaKen 4 – Korach’s Questions – Room Filled with Seforim Requires Mezuza – Impurity of Baheres – Skin Disease – Nitzavim Ketores – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Shiluach HaKen 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 72.
00:00 – Dedications and PARAGRAPH 10b (end). Korach’s Questions – a room filled with Seforim Requires Mezuza.
01:30 – PARAGRAPH 11. Korach’s Questions – Impurity of Baheres – Skin Disease.
6:30 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 33 and to Likutey Moharan 56.
09:00 – וְאַבִּיט֙ וְאֵ֣ין עֹזֵ֔ר וְאֶשְׁתּוֹמֵ֖ם וְאֵ֣ין סוֹמֵ֑ךְ וַתּ֚וֹשַֽׁע לִי֙ זְרֹעִ֔י וַֽחֲמָתִ֖י הִ֥יא סְמָכָֽתְנִי – “And I looked and there was no one helping, and I was astounded and there was no one supporting, and My arm saved for Me, and My fury, that supported Me” (Yeshaya 63:5).
12:30 – Q&R about the correspondence between the Halakha of Baheres and the soul.
14:00 – PARAGRAPH 12. The words of Hashem are infinitely refined, the path of Hashem is perfect. A Mitzva is “a shield and protector” for one who performs it.
16:30 – The Torah of Hashem is complete and perfect, as in תּ֘וֹרַ֚ת יְהֹוָ֣ה תְּ֖מִימָה מְשִׁ֣יבַת נָ֑פֶשׁ עֵד֖וּת יְהֹוָ֥ה נֶֽ֜אֱמָנָ֗ה מַחְכִּ֥ימַת פֶּֽתִי – “The law of Hashem is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of Hashem is faithful, making the simple one wise (Tehillim 19:8). The Torah can and will help those who study it and fulfill the Mitzvos.
19:00 – PARAGRAPH 13. The Torah is not just for specific people, it’s perfect for people of every spiritual level, from the lowest to the highest.
*23:00 – Parshas Nitzavim. Moshe Rabbeinu lists ten levels of spiritual development within Klal Yisrael and assures that the Torah applies to all of them, for all generations. The path of the Torah is a shield for all who live by it.
28:00 – Q&R about intentions in serving Hashem. “Jealousy, passions, and desire for honor remove a person from the world” (Avos).
32:00 – PARAGRAPH 14. Korach – the Ketores has the both potential to kill and the protect from death.
47:00 – Closing blessings for Sukkos [today is Erev Sukkos] and the Yahrzeit of Rebbe Nachman on the 18th of Tishrei.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.