Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-11-Sefer Torah

2023-08-29 – LH5 – YD2 – Sefer Torah 4 – Para. 7-12a – Beginning the Torah Anew – Beirur HaMedameh – Koach HaBehemiyos – Rosh Hashanah – Emunah

Sefer Torah 4 – Beginning the Torah Anew – Beirur HaMedameh – Getting Free of Illusions – Koach HaBehemiyos – Rosh Hashanah – Emunah – Pen of the Sofer – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Sefer Torah 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 8.
*00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7. Beginning the Torah anew. Beirur HaMedameh through sleep.
10:00 – PARAGRAPH 8. Emunah – Chiddush HaOlam – faith in the constant renewal of the world.
15:00 – Statistics and probability are illusions.
18:00 – PARAGRAPH 9. Sukkos.
24:00 – PARAGRAPH 10. Rosh Hashanah and the Ten Days of Teshuva. The Nachash – serpent – tricked Chava through Dibur – speech.
29:00 – Another term for Koach HaMedameh is Koach HaBehemiyos.
33:00 – Q&R why animals are associated with Koach HaMedameh.
34:00 – Q&R about judgement on Rosh Hashanah.
35:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. The Song of the Future and song of the Leviim in the Beis HaMikdash.
*36:00 – PARAGRAPH 12. The pen of the Sofer is compared to the staff that Moshe Rabbeinu held to split the Yam Suf.
41:00 – The Geulah is being accomplished through splitting open the Yam HaChochma – Sea of Torah Wisdom – through publishing Seforim.
42:00 – Why the letters of a Sefer Torah are black ink on white parchment. Black indicates Tzimtzum – constriction. “…I am black but beautiful…” (Shir HaShirim 1:4).
44:00 – The Tzaddik enables each of his students to be freed from their various constrictions.
48:00 – Q&R about speaking of Hashem with words, which are constrictions.
*49:00 – Q&R about the connection between Emunah and Medameh.

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