Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Avadim 2 – Bris Milah is a Seal of Truth – Right and Left in Kabbalah – Before and After Creation – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Avadim 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 51.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1.
09:12 – PARAGRAPH 2. Why an Eved Canaani needs Bris Milah.
*12:32 – Bris Milah is a seal of truth. Analogy between removal of Orlah to removing a seal from a package, which is the final act of completion.
15:34 – Q&R about the concept that purity is only possible if there is a potential for impurity.
23:00 – Servants are associated with Sheker (reference to Likutey Moharan 117).
25:58 – PARAGRAPH 3.
31:29 – Hashem removes the Orlah from creation – the Sheker.
32:00 – The Mohel must ask the child’s father’s permission to be his Shaliach in performing the Bris Milah.
33:27 – PARAGRAPH 4.
39:00 – Serving Hashem with sincerity includes a willingness to go into the mud. Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 5:15.
44:00 – The creation of something from nothing is an aspect of the relationship between father and son. “Son” is related to the concept of pre-creation (the Right Side), while “Father” is related to post-creation (the Left Side).
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.