Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2022-10-31 – LH4 – YD1 – Ribis 5 – Para. 20b-21- The Root of Conflict Between People in Every Generation; The “Seven Waters” of Opposition to Truth

Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah 1, Ribis 5, Para. 20b-21. The Root of Conflict Between People in Every Generation; The “Seven Waters” of Opposition to Truth. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Ribis 5 is based on Likutey Moharan 51.
00:00 – The opposition of the angels to the creation of man is the root of all conflict in every generation.
11:51 – Why the holy tzaddikim are able to perceive a greater level of truth than the angels can.
16:51 – NOTE – is Rebbe Nachman the only Tzaddik Emes? The “Seven Waters” of opposition to the truth. Sipurey Masiyos, The Burgher and the Pauper.
18:57 – NOTE – story of Rabbi Akiva surviving a shipwreck.
23:32 – The conflict between Shaul HaMelech and Dovid HaMelech.
24:12 – “May they be destroyed, those who speak falsely…” Midrash Rabba, Bereishis 32.
25:41 – There are two types of truth.
30:45 – The Tzaddik includes all of mankind.
35:21 – Q&R about the decision made by Pinchas vs. the decision of Yosef’s brothers.
37:18 – Q&R about the differences between tzaddikim.
38:33 – Q&R about the angels’ opposition to the creation of man.
39:29 – The reason Hashem “cast the truth to the earth”.
43:38 – PARAGRAPH 21. Truth is perfected only when it’s combined with faith in Hashem. When justice and truth join, they become faith. Accomplishing this is the purpose of every soul.
51:09 – אמונה – Emunah – faith – is called ארץ –  Eretz – land.
53:52 – Q&R about tzaddikim.
56:05 – Closing blessings.

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