Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear father Shalom ben Chaim Moshe ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 21st of Teves.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Chayey Moharan – Rebbe Nachman Arrives in Uman – Histalkus of Rebbe Nachman – No Generation Is an Orphan – Protection from Dangers of Innovation – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 185. A fire in the city of Breslov causes Rebbe Nachman to leave the city.
03:00 – Rebbe Nachman spoke up and said, “Everything is ours.” Story of Rebbe Meir not giving his valuables to an innkeeper named “Kidor”.
06:45 – Reference to Sichos HaRan 3: Hashem’s greatness cannot possibly be expressed in writing.
08:00 – The greatness of Teshuva – repentance.
09:08 – Q&R how can damage caused by past mistakes be completely repaired?
10:00 – Accepting difficulties with joy and love. It’s not wise to express joy openly in front of a sad person.
13:20 – Rebbe Nachman’s parting words as he left Breslov: “If you pray together, maybe you can bring me back.” The story of Rebbe Nachman’s students in Nemirov gathering to form a Breslov minyan.
*14:31 – PARAGRAPH 188. Rebbe Nachman’s encouragement to Rav Nosson ז”ל was, in effect: “It’s not just that everything will turn out okay in the end. It’s that everything is already good because it’s the will of Hashem…”
*16:00 PARAGRAPH 189. Hashem always helps Am Yisrael. There’s no such thing as an orphaned generation, that is: with no leader to guide them. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai ז”ל assured the sages that the Torah would never be forgotten.
20:00 – Rebbe Nachman said of himself: “Ani nahor…” – “I am a river that purifies from all types of stains”. B’Gematria the word Nahor – river – is b’Milui Bris (Zohar HaKodesh).
21:14 – Rebbe Nachman’s story about the Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh repairing souls.
23:26 – PARAGRAPH 191. The histalkus of Rebbe Nachman – his passing on the 18th of Tishrei 5671. Rebbe Nachman’s choice of his burial place.
*26:32 – Q&R – Do Rebbe Nachman’s words to his students at the time of his passing apply to us today?
28:00 – PARAGRAPH 192. Rebbe Nachman alludes to his deep spiritual considerations about Uman.
30:38 – Q&R – Tikkun Neshamah – what does it mean that Rebbe Nachman “repaired souls”?
32:09 – The three outstanding maskilim – Jewish atheists – of Uman and how they gradually came to respect Rebbe Nachman very deeply. One was named Hersh Ber – he was the son-in-law of Nachman Nosson Rapaport, the previous owner of the house Rebbe Nachman was living in. A description of how Rebbe Nachman succeeded in bringing these men closer to Torah observance. Comparison between these types of people and Yisro.
36:16 – PARAGRAPH 199. When a person reveals something new in science or philosophy, that discovery usually destroys him. Examples: Galileo, Socrates, and others. Rebbe Nachman cautions about innovation because if a person’s intentions are not for the sake of truth, the innovation can cause harm.
38:30 – Chidushim in Torah bring blessing but only if they’re made with humility.
40:42 – Q&R – To protect oneself when working in research and development a person should be careful not to seek honor.
41:57 – Q&R about interview of Rabbi Maimon on a recent podcast.
42:37 – Closing notes about the protection needed by Klal Yisrael everywhere. Today there was a terrorist attack on an army bus traveling on the highway through the Jordan valley. This is the usual bus route for people going to Meron. Closing blessing
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 43:43 — 60.1MB)
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