Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 51:04 — 70.2MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Topics: free will; idol worship; Parshas Balak; the danger of teaching Torah to unworthy students; conflict lengthens the exile.
03:03 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 1. Sheyd Yehudi – a negative force disguised as holiness that draws energy from klipas nogah. וְאֵ֨ת לַ֤הַט הַחֶ֨רֶב֙ הַמִּתְהַפֶּ֔כֶת – “…and the revolving sword…” (Bereishis 3:24). The “revolving sword” at the entrance to Gan Eden radiates many colors, some of which can make a sin appear to be a mitzvah.
12:35 – Limi medonim, limi siach. Reference to Likutey Moharan 28.
13:32 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 36.
16:21 – Parshas Balak. At first Hashem guided Bilaam in a good path, but gradually Hashem permitted Bilaam to oppose Him. The dynamics of free will are very deep.
18:10 – Hashem will permit a person to go their own way. רָאִ֡תָה כִּֽי־אַתָּ֨ה | עָ֘מָ֚ל וָכַ֨עַס | תַּבִּיט֘ לָתֵ֪ת בְּיָ֫דֶ֥ךָ – “For You, Hashem, look at anger and negativity and place it into a person’s hand” (Tehillim 10:14). Free will is at the root of the concept of galus hashekhina – exile of Hashem’s Presence.
19:42 – Rebbe Elimelech of Lizhensk z”l (1717 – 21 Adar, 1787; author of Noam Elimelech) on the meaning of saying ashamnu – “we have sinned” – in viduy -confession. The “we” includes the sinner and Hashem, Who gave the sinner the strength and ability to sin.
20:50 – When someone is in prison, they need assistance from outside to be released. The Shechina can only be released from exile by Am Yisrael.
21:31 – Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 60. A rabbi who teaches an unworthy student will fall into imprisonment.
28:00 – Bilaam’s use of magic.
30:40 – Hashem changed the curse of Bilaam into a blessing.
32:03 – Lengthening of the exile results from conflict and unjustified hatred.
36:43 – The main way to repair conflict that lengthens exile is to draw from the light of Moshiach.
40:25 – Avodah Zara that was established by a Jew can never be nullified.
42:18 – Yeravam ben Navat.
45:13 – Q&R about conflict vs. indifference.
47:25 – Reb Yechiel Michel Dorfman ז”ל used to emphasize that every Jew should say “For me the world was created”. Reference to Likutey Moharan 5.
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