Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear father Shalom ben Chaim Moshe ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 21st of Teves.

To make a dedication, click HERE.


2022-07-21 – Holy, Healthy Eating

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Shiur given 23rd Tammuz, 5782, in Highland Park, New Jersey, with appreciation to the Sheldon family. Topic: Holy, Healthy Eating.
00:00 – Human beings are on a higher level than angels. Reference to Likutey Moharan 24.
05:26 – NOTE from the Rambam: “Eating a little bit of unhealthy food does less harm than eating a lot of healthy food.”
06:41 – The Presence of HaShem appeared to consume the offerings in the Mishkan and Beis HaMikdash as if they were “food” (Vayikra 1:2,9). Food eaten with holiness is compared to offering a sacrifice in the Beis HaMikdash. שולחנו של אדם מכפר עליו – “A man’s table atones for him” (Menachos 97a).
07:43 – Drinking wine in honor of a simcha, Shabbos or Yom Tov in holiness. Spiritual dimensions of Kiddush on Shabbos.
10:32 – The dangers of intoxication – reference to 2Likutey Moharan 26.
14:54 – Q&R about harnessing the yetzer hara rather than getting rid of it.
18:00 – Rebbe Nachman teaches that instead of destroying the yetzer hara it’s also possible to use its fire in tefilah. (For an in depth shiur on this: Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah 1, Hilkhos Yayin Nesech 3, Para. 1b. Or, a short MP3 clip excerpted from this shiur is HERE – “Finding Your Inner Fire”.)
19:50 – Q&R – further clarification dealing with the yetzer hara. At times, for example during a fast, the goal is to reduce the yetzer hara, while at other times, for example during tefilah, the goal is to transform it.
25:39 – One of the most important ways to honor Shabbos is through eating.
30:36 – Autobiographical note by Rabbi Maimon about Shabbos as a child.
34:28 – Q&R about the korbonos in the Beis HaMikdash.
35:58 – Q&R about simcha shel mitzvah.
38:52 – The Seventy Nations embody the negative forces challenging the Jewish soul.
40:17 – Q&R about drinking water before Shacharis.
41:52 – Q&R about drinking wine.
43:10 – Rebbe Nachman’s opposition to smoking.
45:40 – Q&R about Yom Kippur.
48:00 – Q&R about intermittent fasting.
48:52 – The importance of Pas Shacharis.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.