Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

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LH4-18-Hechsher Keylim

2022-07-06 – LH4 – YD1 – Hechsher Keylim 4 – Para. 39b-42 – Kavana for Counting the Omer; Tzedakah Before Tefilah; Minyan; Washing Hands Before Bread

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 66.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 39b (from the words וזה בחינת כונת הספירה). Kavana – intention – during Sefiras HaOmer – counting the 49 days between Pesach and Shavuos. The gematria of  שְׂעֹרָה – barley – is twice menatzpach  (total gematria of the five ending-letters of the Alef Beis). The seven weeks of the Omer correspond to the seven days of creation. Through counting the days of the Omer we complete the process of creation, bringing potential into actual. The goal is to connect the state of the whole world with the purity it had when it was in the state of potential. This is not a nullification of creation, it’s a connection of post-creation with its Source. This is accomplished through the merit and ability of the tzaddikim in each generation.
05:48 – PARAGRAPH 40. The counting of the Jewish nation. Why is Parshas Bamidbar  read just before the holiday of Shavuos?
11:30 – Tzedakah – charity – creates a conduit from Upper to Lower Ruach.
10:23 – Esrim geyra is specified as tzedakah during a census, to protect every Jew. Twenty refers to the “Two Yuds” that separate to allow influx of blessing.
12:47 – The more unified Klal Yisrael is, the greater the capacity for blessing to flow from the Ruach d’l’Eyla – Upper Spirit – to the Ruach d’l’Sata – Lower Spirit. Charity also accomplishes this.
15:04 – The Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh on why Reuven is credited with saving Yosef HaTzaddik’s life.
15:41 – Even though people don’t think alike, by agreeing to honor one spiritual leader they create vessels for light.
17:41 – Conflict between Jews causes spiritual obstacles. Reference to Likutey Moharan 56. Disputes between Jews is worse than difficulties caused by non-Jews.
20:37 – Conflicts will ultimately be resolved through Eliyahu HaNavi since one of his most important missions is to bring peace to the world.
20:58 – Pi Shneyim can only take place when there is shalom – peace. וְהֵשִׁ֚יב לֵֽב־אָבוֹת֙ עַל־בָּנִ֔ים וְלֵ֥ב בָּנִ֖ים עַל־אֲבוֹתָ֑ם – “That he may turn the heart of the fathers back through their children, and the heart of the children back through their fathers…” (Malachi 3:24). “Father and son” is an aspect of Rabbi and student, when the Upper Ruach joins the Lower Ruach.
22:55 – The word “minyan” means “to count”. When ten Jewish men gather to pray together or to learn Torah together, the Divine Presence is with them.
24:50 – Q&R about the power of a person to cause harm to another – the nature of free will.
26:48 – Q&R about how to increase unity in Klal Yisrael. Minyan.
29:07 – PARAGRAPH 41. Netilas Yadayim liSeudah – Washing hands before eating bread. The hands are most susceptible to spiritual impurity.
33:59 – PARAGRAPH 42. Washing hands before tefilah – prayer.
*36:42 – Ritual washing of hands in the morning is an aspect of immersing in a mikveh.
39:14 – Q&R – Practical guidelines in Torah requirements for washing hands. Description of how negelvasser (morning ritual washing of hands) is done.
44:30 – Mayim Acharonim – washing after a meal.
45:20 – Q&R – Comment from student about washing before mincha and maariv based on to the Vilna Gaon.

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