Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH4-18-Hechsher Keylim

2022-06-27 – LH4 – YD1 – Hechsher Keylim 4 – Para. 14-16 – Matos – Supernal Hands – Purity of Kohanim – Ruach Moshiach – Tasks of Moshe and Aharon – Shemiras HaBris

Hechsher Keylim 4 – Matos – Supernal Hands – Purity of Kohanim – Ruach Moshiach – Tasks of Moshe and Aharon Shemiras HaBris – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Hechsher Keylim 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 66.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 14. Opening of the Supernal “Hands”. פּוֹתֵ֥חַ אֶת־יָדֶ֑ךָ וּמַשְׂבִּ֖יעַ לְכָל־חַ֣י רָצֽוֹן – “You open Your Hand and satisfy every living thing [with] its desire” (Tehillim 145:16).
03:13 – The last letters of Poseyach Es Yadecha spell the name of the angel appointed over ParnassahChes – Taf – Khaf. This name is beGematria 428 – twice ruach – spirit.
04:46 – The central task of the Kohen Gadol is to bring atonement for Am Yisrael. For this reason, Kohanim have extra requirements for maintaining a state of spiritual purity, even today.  For example, this is why they can’t attend most funerals.
08:50 – Ruach Elokim is entrusted to the Kohen.  וְר֣וּחַ אֱלֹהִ֔ים מְרַחֶ֖פֶת עַל־פְּנֵ֥י הַמָּֽיִם – “…the spirit of Elokim was hovering over the face of the water” (Bereishis 1). Reference to Likutey Moharan 4. Elokim is 86, and beMilui is 300. 300 minus 86 is 214, which is Ruach. Therefore Ruach is the Milui of Elokim.
10:28 – The Ruach of Moshiach. Shilo is beGematria Moshe.
*12:15 – Aharon HaKohen is the one who draws the Ruach Moshe/Moshiach and conveys it to Am Yisrael. Drawing Kohanim from Shevet Levi is an aspect of turning potential into actuality, an “opening of the hands”. This is done through the power of Ratzon – will.
12:36 – The service of the Kohanim is what facilitates Israel’s atonement from sin. Chayil connotes strength.
20:37 – Q&R about Teshuvah and atonement from sin: the structure of the letter Hey. A person can’t return via the way they left, ie. deed/actuality. They can only return via rising to the higher level of Machshava/potential.
21:44 – Zohar HaKodesh: “Everything gets repaired in Machshava.”
22:53 – Q&R about the different tasks of the Kohen Gadol and the Tzaddik Emes. There is one Tzaddik in every generation who contains even the Kohen Gadol. For example, when the Mishkan was initiated, Moshe Rabbeinu did the service of the Kohen Gadol.
24:39 – Reference to the first Possuk in Parshas Nitzavim – there are ten different categories in Am Yisrael.
*25:19 – PARAGRAPH 15. Parshas Matos. The trial of Midian took place just before the passing of Moshe Rabbeinu. Bilaam and Balak: the most powerful Yetzer Hara is the sin of niuf – adultery.
31:40 – Tevilas Keylim – immersion of cooking vessels in a Mikveh.
32:48 – Q&R – what is the greatest yetzer hara in women, since it doesn’t seem to be the seem as in men? What is shemiras habris for women?
33:44 – PARAGRAPH 16. Shemiras HaBris.
40:38 – The Source of the Jewish soul.
43:41 – Pi Shneyim – double portion of holiness. The sacrifice of Azazel on Yom Kippur.
50:15 – Q&R about Bris Haloshon. Shemiras Haloshon is an aspect of Shemiras Habris. Netzach and Hod are the upper lip and the lower lip, and the Yisod is the tongue. Reference to Likutey Moharan 19.

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