Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 14:08 — 19.4MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Text: Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah 1, Hilkhos Basar BeChalav 4, Para. 1b.
00:00 – Haggadah: All punishments that the Jewish People endure originate from Edom (Likutey Moharan 20:10).
04:22 – Speaking words of Torah and tefilah aloud renew the daas.
04:53 – No Tachanun during Nissan.
07:09 – When the matza is made, the dough cannot stand still. Searching for chometz is a teshuvah process.
09:19 – QUESTION about introspection – when is it appropriate to think about past and future?
12:22 – Seder Korbon Pesach and early mincha on Erev Pesach.
13:24 – Segulah of Rabbi Shimshon ben Pesach of Ostropol (found in the commentary on Orach Chaim of the Ben Ish Chai
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