Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. What is the meaning of Dovid HaMelech‘s phrase “Land of the Weasel”? (Tehillim 49:2).
00:00 – Holiness is hidden. “All land animals have a counterpart under the sea, except for the weasel.” What do the sages teach through this statement? (Chulin 127a based on Tehillim/Psalms 49:2.
01:36 – Moshe Rabbeinu mentioned the aron hakodesh first, but when Betzalel went ahead with the actual construction, he made the mishkan first.
02:00 – Every type of animal that’s found on land has a counterpart under water.
04:55 – The four elements of creation correspond to the four letters of Hashem’s Name Yud – Hey – Vuv – Hey.
QUESTION: Does man have a counterpart in water? RESPONSE: In the gemara, the sages say yes, but it’s not like depicted in popular culture. (See Rashi on Bechoros 8a, and the Chidah in Midbar Kademut)
09:37 – PARAGRAPH 16. “Moshivi Akeres HaBayis” (Tehillim 113:9) and “Your children have made me like a weasel that hides in the foundations of homes…” – Rashi on the gemara: As a result of our sins, Hashem has to hide Himself (Pesachim 118).
11:50 – Constructing the mishkan counteracts Teivos Mamon – desire for excessive wealth. Ritual purification usually takes place through water.
15:35 – “The end of a man is death, the end of an animal is slaughter.”
16:43 – The miracle of Purim. The gemara relates that Haman is alluded to in the Chumash in Adam’s sin regarding the Eitz HaDaas – Tree of Knowlege. “Hamin ha aitz” – Hamin is spelled with the same letters as Haman.
22:04 – The power of the tzaddik, Mordechai.
25:41 – QUESTION about the concept “moshivi akeres habayis” and the chuldah (weasel).
30:56 – COMMENT by student about Rabbi Avigdor Miller zal.
31:28 – PARAGRAPH 18. Parshas Parah.
*45:30 – QUESTION about customs of Shovavim and Shovavim Tat – the weeks between Parshios Shemos and Mishpatim (in a leap year, between Shemos and Tetzaveh). Historical and kabbalastic background.
The customs today, in summary:
1) Slichos (found at the back of some siddurim) once a week before Shacharis (in the Breslov Yeshivah, Meah Shaarim – Thursday mornings except for Rosh Chodesh).
2) Some people fast once a week, for a day or half a day.
3) Some people refrain from eating animal products once a week (meat, fish, eggs, dairy).
4) Special care to say Tikkun HaKlali every day.
5) Renewed attention to mikveh and all mitzvos of Tikkun HaBris.
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