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Shechita 4 – Slaughtering an Animal and Its Offspring on the Same Day – Every Day is a New Generation – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Shechita 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 37.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. The five Bechinos – aspects – of the soul correspond to the five basic Halakhos of Shekhita. These are also the letters of Menatzpach.
Through these five Halakhos we are able to elevate the human soul trapped in the animal to the status of a human soul.
03:01 – PARAGRAPH 2. The Shochet is required to show his knife to a Talmud Chakhom at any time it’s requested. Reference to Likutey Moharan 37 and the two categories – spiritual vs. physical. Elevation of the soul is done through Kovod (respect) – since all souls originate from beneath the Kisey HaKavod (Throne of Hashem).
09:04 – Only a Bar Yisrael may do shechita. If the Bar Yisrael is not Torah observant, then the Shechita is not kosher.
*11:08 – PARAGRAPH 3. It’s forbidden to slaughter an animal and its offspring on the same day. Every animal that’s slaughtered according to Halakha is actually a human soul trapped in the body of an animal. The purpose of Shechita is to elevate that soul from Beheyma (animal) to human.
13:00 – Therefore, a Shochet must be Torah observant and a Yireh Shemayim. He must be extremely careful in saying the blessing on Shechita and performing all the Halakhos of Shechita. There are five basic laws of Shechita correspond to the five books of the Torah. The mitzvah of Shechita encompasses the entire Torah.
16:11 – Until Moshiach comes, we are involved in the Tikkun of elevating souls every day. This is a process which cannot be completed in one day alone. No two days are the same. Each an every day there are Birurim – refinements – that need to be done today. The same thing is true for the generation.
8:28 AM 12/7/2021. Story about the students of the Arizal and his students who were ready to bring Moshiach when a Makhlokes – dispute – broke out and the opportunity was missed. Why we try not to delay a Mitzvah: story of Nachum Ish Gamzu and the man unloading his donkey.
*21:16 – It’s an obligation to bring children into the world because every generation has to make specific refinements based on that generation. Analogy of an assembly line. Just as the sun rises and sets every day, so too there’s a new generation each and every day.
24:00 – This is why we say in Kriyas Shema “These words that I am instructing you today should be on your heart…” and “teach your children.” These two concepts are one: “today” and “your children – the new generation”.
34:03 – PARAGRAPH 4. Prohibition against slaughtering an animal and its offspring on the same day.
40:03 – PARAGRAPH 5. Fasting.
The seven days of the week correspond to the seven basic Midos, as alluded to in הֽוֹדִ֘יעֵ֚נִי יְהֹוָ֨ה | קִצִּ֗י וּמִדַּ֣ת יָמַ֣י מַה־הִ֑יא אֵֽדְעָ֗ה מֶה־חָדֵ֥ל אָֽנִי – (Tehillim 39:5).
Q&R about fasting in our generation.
The Name of Hashem: Tav Khaf Hey – brings about the downfall of our enemies. This Name brings about the destruction of Avoda Zara – idol worship.
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