Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

To make a dedication, click HERE.

LH2-08-Birkhas HaReyach/ הלכות ברכת הריח

2021-03-03 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaReyach 3 – Para. 1-2a – The Sense of Smell, Bitul (Self Nullification) and Return to Self; Fragrance of Gan Eden: Yitzchak, Rivka, and the Garments of Nimrod

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaReyach 3. The sense of smell, bitul (self nullification) and return to self; the fragrance of Gan Eden (Garden of Eden/paradise): Yitzchak, Rivka, and the garments of Nimrod; humility.

This shiur is dedicated l’illui nishmas the father of Dr. Sari Mansheim – Reb Mordechai Yehuda ben Leib ע”ה.
Likutey Halakhos, Orach Chaim 2, Hilkhos Birkhas HaReyach 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 65 and Likutey Moharan 4.

00:00 – Review of the introduction to Birkhas HaReyach 3.
02:14 – PARAGRAPH 1. The fragrance of Gan Eden: Yitzchak, Rivka, and the garments of Nimrod.
11:37 – The Tisha Heichalim (literally “Nine Palaces”) described in the Zohar HaKodesh are mentioned in Likutey Moharan 24.
15:44 – בְּרַ֣ח | דּוֹדִ֗י וּֽדְמֵֽה־לְךָ֤ לִצְבִי֙ א֚וֹ לְעֹ֣פֶר הָֽאַיָּלִ֔ים עַ֖ל הָרֵ֥י בְשָׂמִֽים – “Flee, my beloved, as a deer on mountains of spice.” (Shir HaShirim/Song of Songs 8:14). The sense of smell, bitul, and return to self. Reference to Zohar, Idra Zuta,HaAzinu: When a deer runs away from something, it pauses to turn back. Reference to Likutey Moharan 4 and the histalkus (passing away) of Moshe Rabbeinu.
25:24 – The main goal and purpose of a purpose in this world is to achieve bitul – a detachment from the physical world but in a fluctuating manner.
*27:11 – QUESTION: when does a person strive for the state of bitul? RESPONSE: self-nullification is most accessible during the prayer of Shemoneh Esrey, but can be achieved at any time when praying or performing mitzvos of the Torah.
28:06 – Reference to
Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, 98 (Tefilah) – Kavana (focus, intention) during tefilah (prayer).
32:41 – Different levels in tefilah.
33:39 – PARAGRAPH 2. How the blessings on smelling fragrance affect the soul.
38:37 – The main sense of satisfaction of a person is through nourishment of the soul, which is achieved only through bitul.
43:31 – Parshas Yisro and Parshas Mishpatim.
48:28 – QUESTION about the deer mentioned in the possuk from Shir HaShirim.
49:03 – QUESTION about practical application of the concepts presented in this shiur.
51:42 – QUESTION about end of shiur yesterday – last words of the Arizal. RESPONSE: the importance of humility.
55:52 – Hashem’s intent in the creation of man.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.