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Today’s Torah study is dedicated l’iluy nishmat מרת דבורה חנה בת ר’ מנחם מענדל ע”ה, whose yahrzeit is on the 20th of Adar (II).

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LH2-08-Birkhas HaReyach/ הלכות ברכת הריח

2021-03-02 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaReyach 2 – Para. 5 – Blessing on Fragrance of Spices After Shabbos in Havdalah; Birkhas HaReyach 3 – Introduction

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaReyach. Blessing on the fragrance of spices after Shabbos in Havdalah (ceremony separating Shabbos from weekdays).

This shiur is dedicated by R’ Menachem Zwebner in honor of his mother’s yahrzeit: l’ilui nishmas Risa Basha bas Reb Baruch ע”ה.
This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 1.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Blessing on the fragrance of spices after Shabbos in Havdalah.
15:17 – NOTE about borrowing and lending.
15:58 – QUESTION and RESPONSE about Shabbos. Reference to the first story of Sipurey Masiyos (Stories of Rebbe Nachman) about a king who had six sons and one daughter.
19:27 – Each day of the week has a different strength. Shabbos includes all these strengths, because it is an aspect of Dvar Hashem – the source of all blessing.
21:36 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 2.
26:17 – NOTE: we give the first pleasure of the week to the soul, through smelling the fragrant spices.
34:04 – QUESTION about the connection between Moshiach and the custom to begin Shabbos slightly earlier than candle lighting time.
36:53 – QUESTION about the kedushah (holiness) of Shabbos.
40:11 – HALAKHA 3. Introduction. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 65.
53:23 – Reference to possuk in [this week’s parsha ] – Ki Sisa: וַיִּתֵּ֣ן אֶל־משֶׁ֗ה כְּכַלֹּתוֹ֙ לְדַבֵּ֤ר אִתּוֹ֙ בְּהַ֣ר סִינַ֔י שְׁנֵ֖י לֻחֹ֣ת הָֽעֵדֻ֑ת לֻחֹ֣ת אֶ֔בֶן כְּתֻבִ֖ים בְּאֶצְבַּ֥ע אֱלֹהִֽים (Shemos/Exodus 31:18).
*59:00 – QUESTION about how to imagine Olam Habah without falling into fantasy. RESPONSE: drawing close to tzaddikim, limud Torah, tefilah (prayer), and humility. NOTE from Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l about a person who pretends to be a tzaddik.
63:04 –  אַל־תְּ֖בוֹאֵנִי רֶ֣גֶל גַּֽאֲוָ֑ה – “Let me not stumble through arrogance…” (Tehillim/Psalms 36:12). It’s said that these were the last words of both the Arizal and of the Baal Shem Tov HaKodesh.

This shiur is dedicated by R’ Menachem Zwebner in honor of his mother’s yahrzeit: l’ilui nishmas Risa Basha bas Reb Baruch ע”ה