Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 58:08 — 79.8MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaMazon. The good will of Avraham Avinu; The sin of Adam and Chava resulted from “Fallen Torah”.
00:00 – Review and PARAGRAPH 23. The three meals of Shabbos.
05:32 – Kos shel Bracha of a mezuman (minimum of three men who have shared a bread meal).
06:45 – PARAGRAPH 24. The nedivas lev – good will – of Avraham Avinu. Reference to Likutey Moharan 142.
12:22 – Through his yearning to serve Hashem, Avraham Avinu merited Eretz Yisrael and the mitzvah of bris milah.
13:59 – The merit of Boaz was tikkun habris. Hispa’arus (pride) and simcha (joy) accompany one another.
17:00 – QUESTION about the centrality of tikkun habris in Torah observance.
19:36 – QUESTION about husband and wife uniting even if the goal isn’t the conception of a child.
20:21 – QUESTION about kos shel bracha for a mezuman.
21:30 – QUESTION about how pride and joy compliment one another.
23:55 – QUESTION: How does tikkun habris apply to women?
24:25 – HALAKHA 5. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 28.
24:45 – PARAGRAPH 1. “Fallen Torah” results when people who study Torah oppose faith in tzaddikim. This negative result stems from the “Fallen Alef“. The letter Alef is associated with chochma (wisdom).
31:32 – Through humility a person defeats enemies.
34:30 – The Korbon Tamid repairs the fallen Alefs.
36:45 – “Vechol zeh sohd kavanas Parshas Tamid.”
39:40 – The mitzvah of Birkhas HaMazon – blessings said after a meal of bread.
42:15 – All blessings on food are related to separating the good from the extraneous in food.
46:01 – The sin of Adam and Chava (Eve) resulted in the mixture of good with extraneous, which is the source for “Fallen Torah”.
53:12 – QUESTION: How can a person distinguish between Toras Nafulos and Toras Emes?
54:14 – QUESTION about about Sipurey Masiyos: In Rebbe Nachman’s story of The Exchanged Children, does the principle of the tzaddik uniting the upper and lower worlds pertain to the home of the forest man in the story, since his dwelling is hovering between heaven and earth? RESPONSE: Yes. Reference to Likutey Moharan 28.
54:42 – QUESTION about the good intentions of Adam HaRishon.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.