Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH2-06-Birkhas HaMazon/ הלכות ברכת המזון

2021-01-05 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaMazon 3 – Para. 14-16 – Unifications of the Word Ner – Time Span of Chanukah Lights – Torah Teachers as Stars – When Binah Rises – Milui vs Acharayim (Gematria)

Birkhas HaMazon 3 – Time Span of Chanukah Lights – Torah Teachers as Stars – When Binah Rises – Milui vs. Acharayim in Gematria – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Birkhas HaMazon 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 34.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 14. The light of the Chanukah candles is a manifestation of the Ohr HaNekudah – the central emanation of HaShem’s light into the generation (tzaddik, Torah). The Arizal brings that the word ner (lamp/candle, 250) is the numerical value of 3 unifications of HaShem’s name. To explain:

When Binah Rises. Sometimes the Shekhina (Divine Presence) is in its most receptive (“lowest”) position: Malkhus. In this position, it is called Alef-Daled-Yud-Noon (A – D – N – Y – 65).

At other times, the Shekhina rises to become Gevurah , and is side by side with Chesed. In this position, the Shekhina is called ELOKIM – 86.

When the Shekhina rises to its “highest” position of Binah, it is called Alef-Hey and Yud-Hey (E – K – Y – H – 41).

When each of these three Names are combined with the Shem Havaya (Y – K – V – Kb’gematria 26) the total is 250 – Ner.
Y – K – V – K(26) plus A – D – N – Y (65) = 91
em>Y – K – V – K (26) plus ELOKIM (86) = 112
em>Y – K – V – K (26) plus E – K – Y – H (21) = 47
91 plus 112 plus 47 = 250 (Ner).

03:36 – When we light the Chankuah candles, we simultaneously affect all three of these unifications of HaShem’s Name, which also correspond to the three nekudos explained in previous shiurim in the study of this halakha.
05:30 – PARAGRAPH 15.
14:00 – PARAGRAPH 16. Time span of Chanukah lights – for how long are they supposed to burn?
20:30 – Chanukah is a time for prayers of gratitude and praise.
25:30 – QUESTION about how to determine spiritual priorities.
31:00 – Story of Rabbi Eliyahu Chaim Rosen zal meeting a friend who poured out his heart to him, and afterwards explained that his intention was that he was pouring out his heart to Hashem.
36:45 – The custom of washing hands with fragrant oil after a meal.
42:36 – QUESTION – why is hunger associated with shame?
45:35 – RESPONSE via Kabbalah: The milui of the Names of HaShem usually imply blessing. An example of how milui is calculated: Yud is written Yud Vuv Daled = 20. So the milui of Y – K – V – K is 72. The milui of ELOKIM is 300. The combination of both Names b’milui equals 372 – שבע Sovah (satisfaction).
47:03 – Acharayim is a type of gematria that usually implies din – constriction. Y – K – V – K in acharayim (72) plus ELOKIM in acharayim (200) equals 272 – רעב ra’av – hunger, famine.
*49:17 – Chanukah is a special time for distributing tzedakah.

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