Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

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LH2-06-Birkhas HaMazon/ הלכות ברכת המזון

2020-12-31 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaMazon 3 – Para. 3-6 – The Concept of Tzaddik Has 3 Dimensions: Leader of the Generation, Friendship Between His Students, and the Individual; Mizuman

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
*00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. The concept of tzaddik has 3 dimensions: the leader of the generation, the friendship between his students, and the individual’s relationship to the tzaddik.
06:00 – Begematria, the nekudah “Pasach” is Vuv (6) and the nekudah “Chirick is Yod (10).
07:50 – PARAGRAPH 4. Mizuman – three people joining together to say the blessings after bread.
11:20 – QUESTION to clarify the concepts just presented.
11:50 – QUESTION about the tzaddik being called the “source of life”.
21:50 – An important person should not go out on a journey or embark on a mission unless he has two people with him. Tefilas HaDerech. The spiritual dangers of traveling are counteracted by the three dimensions of the tzaddik. Limud Torah: טוֹבִ֥ים הַשְּׁנַ֖יִם מִן־הָֽאֶחָ֑ד אֲשֶׁ֧ר יֵֽשׁ־לָהֶ֛ם שָׂכָ֥ר ט֖וֹב בַּֽעֲמָלָֽם: “Two [students] are better than one [student]…” (Koheles/Ecclesiastes 4:9).
37:50 – “Blessed is the Compassionate One Who gave the threefold Torah, on the third day, by the third child” (Shabbos 88).
43:50 – PARAGRAPH 5.
*45:50 – PARAGRAPH 6. Mezuman – Invitation to bless after a meal – in Yiddish: “Her tzu, Rabosei, mir villen bentchen” (Listen, my teachers, we want to bless). Listening requires the heart.
55:50 – QUESTION about the centrality of Birkhas HaMazon. RESPONSE: Reference to Nachas HaShulchan by Rav Nachman Tcherin z”l. Reference to seforim of Rabbi Rosenman of Monsey.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.