Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s Torah study is dedicated l’iluy nishmat מרת דבורה חנה בת ר’ מנחם מענדל ע”ה, whose yahrzeit is on the 20th of Adar (II).

To make a dedication, click HERE.

LH2-06-Birkhas HaMazon/ הלכות ברכת המזון

2020-12-28 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaMazon 1b – Mayim Acharonim; The Miraculous “Ashel” Tree of Avraham Avinu; Halakha 2a – Yaakov Avinu is Emes

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Halakha 1 is based on Likutey Moharan. Halakha 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 47.
00:00 – Likutey Moharan 209. Through providing hospitality to a talmud chochom, damaged prayer is repaired.
03:35 – Back inside Likutey Halakhos, Birkas HaMazon, Halakha 1b.
10:14 – Ve zeh shecasuv (previous paragraph skipped but filled in at 12:00.)
11:20 – The miraculous nature of the “Ashel” – a tree planted by Avraham Avinu.
12:08 – Fill in of missing paragraph.
16:00 – Ve zeh shecasuv “vayita ashel” (continuation of paragraph started by mistake before).
24:53 – The fourth bracha in Birkhas HaMazon.
27:25 – The bracha “hatov vehameytiv”.
30:19 – QUESTION about mayim acharonim.
33:00 – Yahrzeit dedication for the father of Ari Gerber, Reb Moshe b’Reb Shlomo a”h, 13th of Teves.
33:18 – QUESTION about enlisting the help of the Sitra Achra. RESPONSE: reference to Likutey Moharan 70.
38:09 – Serving Hashem with both the Yetzer HaRa and the Yetzer Tov.
*39:00 – QUESTION about the purpose of klipos . For example, the reason the Arabs have jurisdiction over certain holy sites in Eretz Yisrael today is to protect these sites from being profaned or misused by secular authorities.
41:47 – HALAKHA 2. Yaakov Avinu is emes (truth).
*60:00 – QUESTION about why Yaakov Avinu “came alive” in Mitzrayim – “VaYechi Yaakov. “ The importance of never speaking against Eretz Yisrael or the People of Eretz Yisrael.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.