Today’s Torah study is dedicated l’iluy nishmat מרת דבורה חנה בת ר’ מנחם מענדל ע”ה, whose yahrzeit is on the 20th of Adar (II).
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Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 51:01 — 70.1MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – HALAKHA 6. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 7. [By hashgacha, this is the teaching in Likutey Moharan being studied later today in the weekly Likutey Moharan shiur.]
01:18 – PARAGRAPH 1. Hints via hand motions during tefilah (prayer) and limud Torah.
09:30 – The first instruction that Hashem gave to man was with regard to eating.
16:16 – Reference to Rebbe Nachman’s teaching of “Ayeh makom kevodo”.
29:00 – “Pardes” (literally “orchard”) stands for the four levels of Torah study: pshat (literal), remez (hint), drush (insight), and sohd (secret).
52:54 – Last section of PARAGRAPH 1. “Waters of chakhmah” accessed through eating with kedushah via the purification of the hands.
34:00 – The merging of spiritual and physical occurs above daas, through hints and motions.
41:02 – Account from the life of Reb Michel Dorfman z”l: what the Russian government feared more than anything was when 10 Jews would gather to make a minyan.
43:10 – QUESTION about the teaching in Likutey Moharan: “Ayeh Makom Kvodo.” RESPONSE: the more distant a person feels from Hashem, the more they need to find the highest level Rabbi.
45:32 – QUESTION about washing for bread only on Shabbos.
46:56 – Fasting during the 10 days of teshuvah and fasting half the day on the first day of selichos.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.