Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-16-Arba Parshiyos/ הלכות ארבע פרשיות

2020-07-24 – LH3 – OC3 – Arba Parshios – The 12 Lunar Months Correspond to the 12 Shevatim (Tribes of Israel); Rosh Chodesh; Shevet Dan vs. the Nachash

Arba Parshios – The 12 Lunar Months Correspond to the 12 Shevatim – Tribes of Israel – Rosh Chodesh – Shevet Dan vs. the Nachash (Serpent). Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Dedication of shiur l’ilui nishmas Rav Shimshon ben Pesach Ostropoli ז”ל a revered kabalist who was murdered Al KiddusH Hashem at Polonnoye, Volhynia, during the Khmelnytsky Uprising on the 25th of Tammuz, 5408 (1648-07-15).
03:45 – Chanukah. The importance of continuously making a fresh start. Educating a student according to his level.
12:25 – NOTE on Parshas VaEschanan.
13:45 – The greatness of Eretz Yisrael.
22:00 – “Know Hashem in all your ways…”
39:00 – ARBAH PARSHIOS. The 12 months of the year correspond to the 12 Shevatim – Tribes of Israel.
45:00 – Rosh Chodesh – the first day of the lunar month – is a Tikkun for the moon.
49:00 – The vulnerability of Shevet Dan.
50:40 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 56. The camp of Dan includes Teves, Shevat, Adar.
54:50 – NOTE about Shabbos Chazon: all Tzaddikim are not equal. Eg. There was a great difference in prophecy between Yeshaya HaNavi and Moshe Rabbeinu.

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