Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-15-Chanukah/ הלכות חנוכה

2020-07-13 – LH3 – OC3 – Chanukah 2 – Para. 3b-6 – Miracle of the Oil; Purpose of Creation; Chanukah 3 – Intro. – Good Days vs. Bad Days

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 8.
00:00 – Dedications.
01:05 – PARAGRAPH 3 (page 243, 2/3 down from the top of the the left-hand column). The miracle of Chanukah.
03:39 – The goodness of the complete tzaddik.
07:57 – The purpose of creation is to reveal the good.
16:57 – QUESTION about the progression of the nes (miracle) of the pach shemen (container of oil). Reference to the eight steps of spiritual progression on Chanukah.
21:32 – PARAGRAPH 5. The significance of Hallel and Torah readings of Chanukah.
25:10 – Why we read about the initiation of the mizbeyach (altar) on Chanukah, which relates to eating kosher and in a healthy way. Reference to Likutey Moharan 17.
29:47 – Reference to Chanoch, Malach Mem Tess.
31:08 – Birur (separating good from bad).
37:25 – QUESTION about the birur done by a tzaddik vs. that done by regular people.
40:36 – HALAKHA 3. Introduction. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 33.
45:05 – Good days vs. bad days.
50:08 – Part 2 of Introduction. The tzaddik can build letters of Torah, even from the languages of the 70 nations, similar to the concept of the word for tefilin: totafos.
52:37 – Technical error in recording. Missing words: “And the tzaddik who has succeeded in defeating the ra (evil) inside of him[self] completely, when he engages the non-Jews, when he engages the ra…”
59:53 – QUESTION about roshei teyvos Atika Stima’ah.

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