Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-14-Hoshana Rabba/ הלכות הושענה רבה

2020-07-09 – LH3 – OC3 – Hoshana Rabba 2 – Para. 2-4 – Sheleymus HaAitzah (Perfection of Advice); Dovid HaMelech and Avshalom; Reb Nachman Tulchiner

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 61.
00:00 – Dedication: This shiur is sponsored by Mr. Nathan Rudy, Nissim ben Naomi, for the health and hatzlacha of his father, Ezra ben Seti.
01:00 – PARAGRAPH 2. Through the tefilos (prayers) and mitzvos (Torah-prescribed activities) Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos, and Shemini Atzeres/Simchas Torah the tikkun (spiritual repair) of Emunas Chochomim (the sin of Adam) is gradually accomplished.
14:40 – PARAGRAPH 3.
*22:00 – The aravos (willow branches) that are taken in the hand on Hoshana Rabba. Shemini Atzeres brings the main yeshua (redemption/spiritual rescue): Shleyemus HaAitzah. R’ Maimon: “This is one of the most important sentences in Yiddishkeit.”
28:56 – Medrash: Who advised Avraham Avinu? His kidneys. Reference to Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 5.
33:47 – QUESTION: what does Hoshana Rabba add to the level of aitza? Rosh Hashanah is ten times Elokim – it’s compared to the 10 days of teshuvah “rolled into one.”
37:40 – PARAGRAPH 4. Advice is referred to as malkhus (sovereignty) in Navi (the Prophets). The Kingdom of Israel was split during the reign of Rechavam because he, as king, followed his young advisors rather than the elders.
45:00 – R’ Nasan of Nemirov advised that Reb Nachman Tulchiner should be the main leader of the Breslov community after his passing.
46:00 – Dovid HaMelech (King David) begged Hashem for aitza, and during the rebellion of Avshalom, Dovid HaMelech asked Hashem to “confuse” the aitza of Achitophel because this would remedy the situation at its root.
49:00 – Reference to the Sipurey Masios where “The Lost Princess” corresponds to malkhus.

This shiur is sponsored by Mr. Nathan Rudy, Nissim ben Naomi, for the health and hatzlacha of his father, Ezra ben Seti.