Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-12-Sukkah/ הלכות סוכה

2020-06-19 – LH3 – OC3 – Sukkah 5 – Para. 1b-4 – Spiritual Benefits of Eating in the Sukkah – The Arba Minim (Four Species) Are a Sparkle of Moshiach – Pinchas, Eliyahu HaNavi, and Tefilah – Prayer of a Simple Person

Sukkah 5 – Spiritual Benefits of Eating in the Sukkah – The Arba Minim (Four Species) Are a Sparkle of Moshiach – Pinchas, Eliyahu HaNavi, and Tefilah – Prayer of a Simple Person – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Sukkah 5 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 1.
00:00 – Dedications.
00:45 – PARAGRAPH 1b.Beginning with the words “gam ha-schach shehu medavar tzomeyach…” Why we begin building the sukkah immediately after Yom Kippur.
*14:30 – The mitzvah of sukkah protects Yerushalayim.
15:22 – The minimum height of a sukkah is 10 tefachim, which was the height of the keruvim (angelic forms) on the cover of the Aron Kodesh (Holy Ark).
16:53 – PARAGRAPH 2. Tefilah (prayer) is above the forces of nature.
18:09 – Astrology exists but prayer supersedes it.
*22:30 – Why the stars must be visible through the schach (covering of the sukkah).
23:29 – PARAGRAPH 3. The essential mitzvah of Sukkos is to eat and sleep in the sukkah.
***26:52 – The four species are a “sparkle” of Moshiach.
29:11 – The lulav alludes to shemiras habris (mastery of passion).
36:32 – PARAGRAPH 4. “Ana” (please) in gematria is Eliyahu.
40:30 – וַיַּֽעֲמֹ֣ד פִּֽ֖ינְחָס וַיְפַלֵּ֑ל – “And Pinchas stood up and prayed…” (Tehillim 106:30).
44:28 – QUESTION about the connection between Sukkos and Pesach.
*45:00 – True account heard from Rabbi Rosenfeld zal of how the prayer of a simple person brought about a miracle.
48:17 – Pinchas and Eliyahu HaNavi. Nadav and Avihu were reincarnated as Eliyahu HaNavi. Reference to Likutey Moharan 66 and the dynamics of the soul at the time of histalkus (passing from this world to the next. Elisha HaNavi asked his teacher, Eliyahu, for “Pi Shneyim” – a double portion of spiritual power. The name Pinchas: Peh, Nun is 130. Ches samach is begematria chaim, life – 68.
51:53 – Closing comments.
52:07 – Heard from Reb Michel Dorfman zal: Any person who relates good news becomes an aspect of Eliyahu HaNavi.
53:10 – QUESTION about the three things that weaken a person’s prayer. Insulting another person can interrupt the effectiveness of a person’s prayer.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.