Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
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Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 53:14 — 73.1MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – TORAH 211. Why do the students of a tzaddik travel to be with him for Rosh Hashanah?
05:20 – How can one attach oneself to the tzaddik? (Reference to Likutey Moharan Torah 4.)
06:37 – TORAH 212. Clapping hands during tefilah (prayer). “All my bones will declare…” (Tehillim/Psalms 35:10).
08:59 – Niv sifsayim – movement of the lips in tefilah.
11:06 – The only time a Jew lifts his hands is in tefilah, never to strike someone. Moshe Rabeynu confronts Dasan and Aviram.
13:29 – By clapping hands we unite our tefilah with both the Written and Oral Torah. The luchos (tablets of Torah Law given at Sinai) were constructed with 5 commandments on each of them, corresponding to the five fingers on two hands.
16:41 – When clapping hands, noise doesn’t need to be made. It’s the gesture that counts, not the sound. Both Rabbi Michel Dorfman z”l and Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfel z”l clapped silently (3 or 4 claps).
17:41 – TORAH 213. The protective Name of Hashem (Samech, Alef, Lamed) is formed from the initial letters of the phrase “Ata seyser li” in Tehillim/Psalm 32.
20:49 – Pinchas saw the letter Mem hovering during the incident of Zimri – which signified death. He combined this letter Mem with the letters of his name to create a “romach” (spear). (The gematria of Pinchas is 208 plus Mem 40 = romach 248.)
26:23 – The custom of pausing to make a separation between the words “ata seyser li” and “mitzar” when saying Tehillim 32.
28:50 – TORAH 214. Torah study protects a person from death.
33:37 – Question and response about “Atah seyser li” when saying Tikkun HaKlali.
35:03 – TORAH 215. This Torah begins with the word דע – “Da’ah” which, according to Breslov tradition, hints that the teachings it contains come from the Olam HaAtzilus – the highest level of Torah. It describes pidyon nefesh (redemption of the soul) in all 24 courts.
44:48 – The reason Moshe Rabeynu is buried “mul Baal Peor”.
48:40 – Eliezer HaGadol converted non-Jews to Torah observance. He was a gilgul (incarnation) of Moshe Rabeynu‘s son, Eliezer.(Bereishis Rabbah 70:5).
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