Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

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Live Shiur Archive/ תורה בחבורה

2019-06-02 – LM1 – Torah 152 – Torah 154, Zohar Terumah 140b-141a, Kabbalistic Protection of Eretz Yisrael and Her Inhabitants

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:18 – Torah 152. Review inside the text.
08:09 – Rebbe Nachman’s note to study the section of Zohar, Terumah 140b-141a to understand the meaning of this Torah.
10:52 – Study of the recommended text in the Zohar, Terumah 140b-141a where the “opening above Eretz Yisrael” is explained (Sefer Masok MeiDevash).
20:13 – Brief review of the quoted section of Zohar.
20:57 – Question about the difference between the First Beis HaMikdash (Holy Temple in Jerusalem) and the Second.
21:32 – Torah 153. The relationship between teacher and student resembles the way sunlight is reflected by surface of the moon.
32:28 – Chutspah d’kedushah (boldness in Torah study) vs. impudence.
35:31 – Note about Shavuos and Matan Torah.
36:34 – Question about the surface of the moon. Response: Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l followed the opinion of the Zohar and other traditional sources that no impure person will ever make physical contact with the moon.
39:32 – Torah 154. The spiritual root of phobias and fears. The essence of daas (Torah wisdom)is in the heart.
48:56 – Question about which sections of the Likutey Moharan are appropriate for studying on Shavuos. Response: Likutey Moharan I: 4, 11, 19, 29, 56. Likutey Moharan II: 4.

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