Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

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Live Shiur Archive/ תורה בחבורה

2019-03-17-LM1 – Torah 112 – Para. 2 (End) – Escaping Darkness Through Speaking Truthful Words to Hashem

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Review of the first two paragraphs of this Torah.
01:57 – PARAGRAPH 2 (end) – “And the opening of the ark put in its side…” (Bereishis/Genesis 25:28).
10:15 – PARAGRAPH 3. When a person is surrounded by darkness and sees no solution to his troubles, the most important thing is for him to speak to Hashem honestly, and this will illuminate his way.
17:26 – PARAGRAPH 4. In finding his way out of his own darkness, a person illuminates the way for others.
21:15 – PARAGRAPH 15. The twelve gates of prayers correspond to the twelve sons of Yaakov Avinu and to the twelve constellations. “A star steps forth from Yaakov…” (Bamidbar/Numbers 24:17 – Parshas Balak). There are different nusachios (community/cultural traditions inherited father to son) through which Am Yisrael prays.
25:47 – Abba Binyamin was careful to join “his tefilah with his bed” which hints at his care to pray according to his shevet/nusach (Berachos 5b).
27:03 – What does it mean that one’s “bed” should be positioned “between north and south”? (Bava Basra 25b)
30:33 – Since we don’t know which of the twelve shevatim (tribes) we’re from, we attach our tefilah to the Tzaddik Emes because he knows how to organize the tefilos of Klal Yisroel so that they’re best accepted.
31:46 – QUESTION: How do we attach our tefilah to the Tzaddik Emes? RESPONSE: In Breslov, we do this by making a statement: “I am hereby attaching myself in prayer, thought, word, and deed, to all the true tzaddikim of our generation, and to all the true tzaddikim who have passed away and are holy, and especially to my Rebbe, Rabbeinu Nachman ben Feiga, Rabbeinu Nachman ben Simcha, may his merit protect us.”
34:14 – This custom of hiskashrus (binding to the tzaddik) was done by Reb Michel Dorfman z”l once every day, when he wrapped himself in his tallis (prayer shawl).
35:01 – PARAGRAPH 6. One person’s path of downfall can serve as another person’s gateway of return to Hashem.
54:40 – Closing remarks about the importance of tefilah on Taanis Esther and Purim.

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