Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 53:56 — 74.1MB)
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – TORAH 108. A person’s breath attaches him to good or to evil. The distinction between depression and a broken heart: a depressed person turns away from Hashem in anger, a brokenhearted person turns upward to Hashem with humility and hope.
07:55 – One way to disconnect from negative thoughts is through sighing.
15:38 – QUESTION: is the image of the breath figurative or literal?
16:47 – TORAH 109. Hashem doesn’t judge a Jew for a bad thought, only for a bad deed. The exception to this principal is: thoughts of idol worship are judged.
27:32 – Expressing regret through a sigh severs the connection with the evil done and instantly re-aligns the soul in the direction of Hashem.
*29:52 – How Rebbe Nachman expands the gemara into practical applications for our lives today. The importance of studying the Likutey Moharan from beginning to end, rather than taking selective concepts and applying them without regard to the full expanse of Rebbe Nachman’s’ understanding.
35:34 – QUESTION about how to prevent regret for misdeeds from becoming depression or guilt.
39:30 – TORAH 110. A technique for strengthening memory for Torah study: honoring the Torah by elevating it above secular knowledge.
48:12 – TORAH 111. Distinguishing between true and false rabbis. The dangers of the Eiruv Rav (“Mixed Multitude”) for misleading the Jewish People, especially in our generation.
52:32 – Reb Nachman of Tcherin brings an insight from his father on the words ‘רע בעני ה/ “…evil in the Eyes of Hashem…” (Bereishis/Genesis 38:7). The initial letters of these three words spell “rabbi” warning to beware of Jewish leaders who assume the title of rabbi when they’re not qualified.
53:30 – Closing remarks about Adar and Nissan.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.