Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
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Likutey Moharan 61 – Why We Travel to Uman for Rosh Hashanah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Text: Parparaos leChokhmah by Rabbi Nachman Tcherin ז”ל.
*00:00 – Likutey Moharan Torah 61 is considered Rebbe Nachman’s “last will” because it hints at how he wants his students to relate to him after his passing.
11:50 – When unqualified teachers of Torah are empowered, the People of Israel lose access to the mysteries of Sohd HaIbur – secrets related to the sanctity of time.
15:00 – Sometimes disunity can inspire stronger Emunas Chochomim – faith in authorized Torah teachers.
15:42 – True leaders not only need to have faith in their teachers, they need to have faith in themselves.
*16:19 – Reasons informing travel to the gravesite of a Tzaddik for Rosh Hashanah.
24:23 – Q&R about praying near a gravesite, referencing Likutey Moharan 211. “We don’t pray to the Tzaddik, we pray only to Hashem.”
26:33 – Sotah 13 – The Aron (coffin) of Yosef HaTzaddik traveled with the Bnei Yisrael through the wilderness.
27:31 – Medrash Tanchuma VaEira – the gates of the Beis HaMikdash – Holy Temple in Jerusalem – wouldn’t open until the aron of Dovid HaMelech (King David) was present.
30:28 – Rebbe Nachman was Nistalek (passed away) during Chol HaMoed Sukkos, on the day when the prayer “Even Shesiya” is said.
31:30 – Rebbe Nachman’s last Rosh Hashanah shiur.
33:22 – Review of Likutey Moharan 61:2 concerning the hands of Smicha – rabbinic ordination.
36:59 – Most of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings were written down by his student, Rav Nosson of Nemirov ז”ל.
37:48 – Rav Nosson of Nemirov was not appointed as Rebbe Nachman’s successor in an open way, but rather through hints understood by Rebbe Nachman’s students.
40:00 – Rav Nosson passed away on the 10th of Teves 5605 (December 1844), and before his passing he emphasized Likutey Moharan 61.
40:58 – Rav Nosson’s final question about the three events of destruction that occurred on the 10th of Teves.
To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.