Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.

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Live Shiur Archive/ תורה בחבורה

2017-12-24 – LM1 – Torah 060 – Para. 1-3a – Torah Study, Wealth, and Length-of-Days

Speaker: R’ Nasan Maimon. This teaching is based on Idra Rabba Kadisha. Rebbe Nachman gave this lesson on Rosh HaShanah 5567 (13 Sept. 1806). Torah study and wealth.
00:00 – Introduction. There is some types of Torah study that require wealth.
06:12 – The Bnei Yissachar were keepers of the Torah’s deepest secrets, and they needed to be wealthy. Moshe Rabbeinu also needed the clarity of mind brought by prerequisite wealth, as did Rabbi Yehuda haNasi and Rav Ashi. This section relates to Parshas VaYechi.
11:17 – “Carve for yourself…” The luchos were carved from sapphire.
20:16 – The letters of mamon (money) are an acronym of Mishkam Nitasher Moshe (from this Moshe became wealthy).
22:40 – Questions and responses. Why did the Jews need wealth in the wilderness? There were no stores or shopping malls!
25:51 – PARAGRAPH 2.
28:05 – What is arichas yomim (length-of-days)?
34:29 – Avraham Avinu had a depth of spiritual achievement so he acquired length-of-days.
35:54 – Yiras Shemayim – fear/awe of Hashem.
38:13 – PARAGRAPH 3.
39:40 – יראת ד’ תוסיף ימים. “Fear of Hashem prolongs life” (Mishley/Proverbs 10:27). “He built her like a storehouse” – days are “narrow” when they begin, and due to awe of Hashem, days become “wider” as they progress (holy achievements are increased).
44:04 – שקר החן והבל היפה – “Charm deceives and [superficial] beauty is in vain, it is for her fear of Heaven that a woman is praiseworthy.” (Mishley/Proverbs 31:30).
53:40 – Studying Torah on Dec 24th-25th – making a change in one’s study seder.

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