Today’s online Torah study is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon ben Rabbi Yakov Eliezer ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 25th of Adar.
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Shiur given on Yom Rishon d’parshas Teruma, 30 Shevat 5777 (2017-02-26). The profound spiritual effects of clapping hands during tefilah (prayer).
00:00 – TORAH 44 – PARAGRAPH 5. אתם נצבים היום לפני ה’ אלקיכם (דברים כ”ט) “Today you are standing , all of you, before Hashem your G-d…” (Devarim/Deuteronomy 29:9). “Standing” means tefilah (prayer). “Before Hashem” means Eretz Yisrael (the Holy Land of Israel).
08:52 – PARAGRAPH 7. Tefilah corresponds to the korbon tamid (regular/daily offering).
13:24 – PARAGRAPH 8. Giving charity to the worthy of Eretz Yisrael helps kavana (concentration, focus, sincerity) and protects a person from the MaBUL (flood) of confusing thoughts during prayer. (Eretz Yisrael was not covered by the flood.)
16:41 – The air of Eretz Yisrael makes a person wise.
21:15 – TORAH 45. Introduction – why is clapping hands so important?
21:55 – RESPONSE TO QUESTION about the concept of the tzaddik emes in relation to the potential tzidkus (righteousness) of every Jew. If Rabbi Nachman put something in the Likutey Moharan, it’s for each one of us to know, to implement at our own individual level.
23:07 – Story of Rav Nasan z”l and Reb Naftali z”l being surprised at the length of time Rabbi Nachman spent with a simple Jew.
25:20 – TORAH 45. Inside the text. Clapping hands while praying. Hands are related to wings, lungs, speech, angels. Moshe Rabeynu and speech impediment. Five fingers times five is twenty five, two hands makes fifty; this alludes to the fifty times leaving Mitzrayim (Egypt) is mentioned in the Torah. מי שם פה לאדם: (שמות ד’) “MI (Who/50) gave the power of speech?” (Shemos/Exodus 4).
38:04 – TORAH 46. Clapping hands during prayer mitigates/sweetens judgments. Bed is placed between north and south because these directions correspond to hands/tefilah/prayer (we face east). Marital union corresponds to prayer.
40:45 – PARAGRAPH 2. The soul is in speech. Three times yad (hand) is 42 in gematria and corresponds to “KI BI” (“because for me”) in the possuk כי בי חשק ואפלטהו: (תהלים צ”א) “Because for Me he yearned, I will rescue him.” (Tehillim/Psalms 91:14).
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