Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Sipurey Maasios


R' Rosenfeld - Sipurey Maasios / סיפורי מעשיות - ר' רוזנפלד ז"ל

Sipurey Maasios is a collection of 13 stories related by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. These profound allegorical tales are translated and explained by Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. The recordings have been assembled from his series on Sichos HaRan, where they also can be heard.

Also included here are recordings of Rabbi Rosenfeld at yahrzeit gatherings and various other occasions.

A reminder: these recordings may be downloaded for personal study only. They are Copyright 1978 by Rabbi Nasan Maimon and these recordings, indexing, or transcripts may not be uploaded or distributed further (for profit or not for profit) in any form, print or digital.

To LISTEN — Click on the track's ARROW.

For CONTENT DETAILS — Click on the track's TITLE.

To DOWNLOAD — To download a shiur, click on the track's TITLE, and on the next page, click the DOWNLOAD link. Depending on your browser, the download will either start automatically, or you will be prompted to SAVE the file. To SAVE the file, simply RIGHT CLICK on the black playback bar and a window prompt will ask where you want the saved file to be stored on your computer. Downloads are for personal study only. Please do not redistribute or upload.