Today’s Torah study is dedicated l’iluy nishmat מרת דבורה חנה בת ר’ מנחם מענדל ע”ה, whose yahrzeit is on the 20th of Adar (II).
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The term “Adam” is inclusive of both male and female principles on the spiritual level. In the physical world, woman embodies the hidden principle of containment to facilitate the male principle. The purpose of the soul being clothed in a male or female body is to bring both male and female to spiritual completion. Text: Continue Reading »
A Measurement of Grain Simply counting the days between Pesach (Passover) and Shavuos renews the health and power of every Jewish soul. The word עמר – omer (ayin, mem, reish) – refers to the amount of barley or other grain that can be harvested with three strokes of a sickle or a scythe. We begin Continue Reading »
Right in the middle of Pesach cleaning we’re invited by the Creator of the Universe to forget about cabinets and crumbs for a while to venture forth to the great outdoors. And so we interrupt our annual roundup of pasta and popcorn to focus, instead, on the eternal signs that springtime has arrived. Siddur in Continue Reading »
Sichos HaRan (Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom) Paragraph 141. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Traditionally, women also say these ten psalms every day, but they don’t recite the accompanying tefilah. The Ten Psalms of Rebbe Nachman’s Tikkun HaKlali are: 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, 150.
Developing a healthy relationship with food can be helped along by some of the most powerful yet hidden principles in the Torah. Here’s a section in the Likutey Halakhos where Rav Nasan explains how the Names of Hashem provide conduits for enjoying more nourishing, energizing meals. Text: Orach Chaim 1, Hashkamas HaBoker, Halakha 3, Paragraph Continue Reading »