Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: February 2021

2021-02-18 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 15a-16a

Posted on February 18, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 15b. 50:00 – PARAGRAPH 16a. *60:00 – Heard from Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld z”l: where are the 515 tefilos of Moshe Rabbeinu? The gematria of Rebbe Nachman ben Feigeh is 516. NOTE: Tonight begins the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, Zayin Adar.

2021-02-17 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 14b-15a – Pirkei Avos; Tzidkascha Tzedek; Sefiras HaOmer; Danger of Wasting Time; Consciousness; Praying to Find One’s Soulmate; Final Daled of Shema Yisrael

Posted on February 17, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 6. Study of Pirkei Avos during the spring and summer months; Tzidkascha Tzedek (Your righteousness is just) and the letter Aleph; Sefiras HaOmer; danger of wasting time, praying to find one’s soulmate. 00:00 – This shiur is dedicated by Yonasan Crow l’ilui nishmas Continue Reading »

2021-02-16 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 13-14a – Silence When Insulted; Psak Halakha; Pirkei Avos During Sefiras HaOmer

Posted on February 16, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 13-14 – Silence when insulted; psak halakha; Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the Fathers) during Sefiras HaOmer. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 13. Maintaining silence when insulted enables a person to access a higher level of psak halakha, knowing how to proceed in observance of Torah law. (“Vi tzu gehn Continue Reading »

2021-02-14 – LM2 – Torah 15 – Para. 3 – True Tzaddikim vs. False Leaders; Yabbok; Tzedakah from Impure Sources; Torah 16 – Parnassah (Livelihood); Malkhus (Kingship of Hashem); Humility

Posted on February 14, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Likutey Moharan 2. True tzaddikim vs. false leaders; Yabbok; tzedakah from impure sources; parnassah (livelihood); malkhus (Kingship of Hashem); humility. This shiur is dedicated l’ilui nishmas Nachman Shimshon b’Reb Avraham Ephraim Yisrael ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 3rd of Adar. This shiur is also dedicated l’ilui nishmas Yacha bas Reb Eliyahu Continue Reading »

2021-02-14 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 10-11a – Why Pesach is in the Springtime; Counting the Omer; Obstacles to Teshuvah; Embarassment; Zayin Adar

Posted on February 14, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. Why Pesach is in the springtime; counting the Omer; obstacles to teshuvah (return to Hashem and His Torah); humiliation and embarrassment. 00:00 – Why Pesach is in the springtime. Counting the Omer. 00:00 – Obstacles to teshuvah: humiliation and embarrassment. 08:52am – The reward for enduring humiliation when trying to Continue Reading »

2021-02-12 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 7b-9 – Why Yetziyas Mitzrayim (the Exodus from Egypt) Had to Be Done Quickly; Pesach, Matzah, Bedikas Chometz; Passover Haggadah

Posted on February 12, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. Why Yetziyas Mitzrayim(the Exodus from Egypt) had to be done quickly; Pesach, Matzah, Bedikas Chometz; Passover Haggadah; 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7b. Why Yetziyas Mitzrayim (the Exodus from Egypt) had to be done quickly. Why there was “no time for the dough to rise” because Bnei Yisrael had to hurry. 29:00 Continue Reading »

2021-02-11 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 7a – Why Pesach Is in Springtime; Spiritual Aspects of Agriculture and Nature; Matzah and Chometz

Posted on February 11, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. Why Pesach is in springtime; spiritual aspects of agriculture and nature; matzah and chometz; 08:17am – Why Pesach is celebrated in the springtime. 08:20 – QUESTION about the spiritual aspects of agriculture and nature. 08:23am – Matzah and chometz. 08:31am – Why Moshe Rabbeinu was reluctant accept leadership of Am Continue Reading »

2021-02-10 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 6 – Teshuvah is Related to Finding Lost Articles and Yetziyas Mitzrayim; Meeting Insult With Silence; 50 Gates of Binah; 7th Day Pesach

Posted on February 10, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. Teshuvah (return to Hashem and Torah observance) is related to finding lost articles and yetziyas mitzrayim (the Exodus from Egypt); meeting insult with silence; 50 Gates of Binah; Kavanas Elul; 7th Day Pesach. 00:00 – Hashem’s Name EKYEH. 08:03 – The Chida on the saying of chazal (sages of the Continue Reading »

2021-02-09 – LH2 – OC2 – Birkhas HaPeyros 5 – Para. 3b-6a – Mordechai and Esther; The Search for Lost Articles (Sparks of Holiness) is Done Through Prayer and Torah Study; Pesach;

Posted on February 9, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Birkhas HaPeyros. Megillas Esther. Mordechai and Esther; the search for lost articles (sparks of holiness) is done through prayer and Torah study; Why Pesach is in Nissan (springtime); sparks of holiness in plants and trees; Birkhas HaIlanos. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. 00:00 – Esther HaMalkah represents the 600,000 root souls of Klal Continue Reading »

2021-02-07 – LM2 – Torah 13 – Torah 14 – Overcoming Opposition Through Tefilah; Torah 15 – Para. 1-2 – Detecting False Leaders; Tzedakah

Posted on February 7, 2021

Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Likutey Moharan 2. Overcoming opposition through tefilah (prayer); Torah 15 – detecting false leaders, even if they’re posing as tzaddikim. Tzedakah (charity) is associated with water. Honoring a Torah scholar. 00:00 – TORAH 13. Using opposition to draw closer to Hashem. 04:07 – Reference to the corresponding tefilah in Likutey Tefilos. 04:42 Continue Reading »