Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: May 2022

Chayey Moharan - The Life of Rebbe Nachman

2022-05-22 – Chayey Moharan – Life of Rebbe Nachman – Part 1 – Introduction – Birth and Early Years

Posted on May 22, 2022

Chayey Moharan – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Dedications and introduction to the Sefer. 07:25 – Lineage and birth of Rebbe Nachman. 13:40 – Bar Mitzvah and marriage of Rebbe Nachman. 20:42 – Reb Shimon ז”ל becomes Rebbe Nachman’s first student 22:09 – Q&R about why Rebbe Nachman pretended not to be so religious when he Continue Reading »

Bamidbar 5778 – Matan Torah – A Relationship of Respect (Entire Shiur)

Posted on May 20, 2022

Bamidbar – Matan Torah – A Relationship of Respect – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Shiur given in the Shaarei Chesed Breslov Shul on 2018-05-07. 03:19 – Yom HaBikurim. Why Shavuos is called Atzeres. 06:20 – Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev zal. 10:00 – Why the Torah was given amidst thunder and lightning.

Bamidbar - Matan Torah

Bamidbar – Matan Torah – A Relationship Based on Respect

Posted on May 20, 2022

When the Torah was given to the People of Israel, Hashem promised to stand with them, always. Israel, in turn, promised to keep His commandments. Since these were vows exchanged with love, why was the Torah given amidst fire, lightning, and thunder? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. The entire shiur is HERE.

Bechukosai – Secrets of Chatzos (Clip)

Posted on May 20, 2022

Bechukosai – Secrets of Chatzos – What is the origin of reciting the Tikkun Lail Shavuos? How is chatzos halaila (kabbalistic midnight) calculated? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. The entire shiur is HERE.

2022-05-18 – LH4 – YD1 – Taarovos 2 – Para. 2c-3; Halakha 3 – Intro. – Para. 1 – Closing Note on LaG B’Omer – Meron as a Breslov Center

Posted on May 18, 2022

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2c. How a bit of traif can become kosher by falling into a kosher mixture. 04:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. 30:00 – HALAKHA 3. INTRODUCTION. 33:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. 43:00 – Bitul b’shishim. 47:00 – Sheleymus hamitah accomplished on Shavuos. Why Matan Torah was only possible after Yisro converted. Continue Reading »


2022-01-23 – LM2 – Torah 082 – Para. 3-4 – Ki Seitzei; Elul; Teshuvah; Order vs. Disorder; Too Much Light – Torah 083 – Introduction

Posted on January 24, 2022

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Topics: Ki Seitzei; Elul; Teshuvah; Order vs. Disorder, Too Much Light. 00:00 – Dedications and review. 03:02 – PARAGRAPH 3. Teshuvah during the month of Elul. The letters of the word בראשית also spell “on the first of Tishrei“. 08:15 – וַיַּקְהֵ֣ל משֶׁ֗ה אֶת־כָּל־עֲדַ֛ת בְּנֵ֥י יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל – (Shemos 35:1, Vayakhel). 11:08 Continue Reading »


2022-01-16 – LM2 -Torah 081 – Dancing for Joy; Faith and Malkhus as Feet; Torah 82 – Para. 1-2 – Ki Seitzei; Order and Disorder; Adam and Chava

Posted on January 17, 2022

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Topics: Dancing for Joy; Faith and Malkhus; Ki Seitzei; Adam and Chava; Order and Disorder. 00:00 – Dedications: today, the 14th of Shevat, is the yahrzeit of Rabbi Aryeh Moshe Eliyahu ben Shmuel Kaplan ז”ל. 01:26 – TORAH 81. שמחה של מצוה – the joy of performing a mitzvah is an Continue Reading »

Tu B'shevat - Mystical Tree of Rebbe Nachman's Seventh Beggar

Tu beShevat – The Mystical Tree of World Peace (Clip)

Posted on January 12, 2022

Tu beShevat – The Mystical Tree of World Peace. In his Tale of the Seven Beggars, Rebbe Nachman describes a tree near which all creatures are in harmony. It its shade, even natural enemies are at peace with one another. Its three roots are אמונה – faith, יראה – fear/respect, and עניוות – humility. The Continue Reading »

Beshalach - Shabbat Shira - Believing is Seeing

Beshalach – Shabbos Shira – Believing is Seeing

Posted on January 8, 2022

Beshalach – Shabbos Shira – Believing is Seeing. “And they had faith in Hashem and in Moshe, His servant – then Israel sang…” (Beshalach). In Likutey Halakhos, Orach Chaim 1, Tefillin 6:12, Rav Nosson of Nemirov describes how this song not only praises Hashem for His miraculous rescue – it expresses the tremendous joy that Continue Reading »

Why Adam and Chava Were Created Back-to-Back – Shalom Bayis 03 (Entire Shiur)

Posted on December 26, 2021

Text: Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 82, Para. 1-3 – Order and disorder; Adam and Chava (Eve); Humility. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. In this teaching Rebbe Nachman presents the concepts fundamental to all his teachings: seder (order) and lo c’seder (disorder). The purpose of man is to bring order to his world through the observance of Continue Reading »