Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: December 2019

2019-12-15 – LM1 – Torah 240 – Torah 242 – Ways to Attach Oneself to the Tzaddik

Posted on December 17, 2019

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – Torah 240 from beginning. All blessing comes through the tzaddik. 03:58 – Chana the wife of Elkanah is assured by Eli HaKohen that her tefilos (prayers) will be answered. 04:39 – If someone is ill, they should ask a chocham to pray for them. 05:01 – One who prays Continue Reading »

Vayelech – Moshe Rabbeinu’s Third 40 Days – Elul to Yom Kippur

Posted on September 7, 2018

Text: Likutey Halakhos, Choshen Mishpat 2, Hilkhos Chakirus veKablanus 2, Para. 12. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. To listen to the original, entire shiur, click HERE.

CM2 – Lesson 131a – Chakirus veKablanus 2 – Para. 1-2 – Seder vs. Lo C’Seder, Shalom Bayis is the Responsibility of the Husband

Posted on July 1, 2018

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 82. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Laws regarding sharecropping. The creation of man was initially as male and female joined back-to-back. 14:17 – Malchus (sovereignty) is related to “MaH” – one of the most recognizable aspects of Hashem. Seder (order) is the upper Continue Reading »

CM2 – Lesson 117a – Shomer Skhar 4 – Para. 7-9 – Destruction of the Beis HaMikdash; Why Parshas Devarim Precedes Tisha B’Av; Shabbos Nachamu

Posted on July 1, 2018

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7. Tisha B’Av (the Ninth of Av) and the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple in Jerusalem). 15:44 – Deeper meanings of the haftarah read on the Shabbos after Tisha B’Av (Shabbos Nachamu). 23:05 – קול קורא במדבר “A voice cries in the wilderness, return to the Continue Reading »

CM2 – Lesson 092 – Apotropos 3 – Para. 5b-7 – Pesach, Speech in Exile, Voice, Nigun (Melody/Song), Foundation of Jewish Calendar

Posted on June 24, 2018

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan, Torah 3. 00:00 – Pharaoh tried to stop the process of Matan Torah through disrupting Israel’s power of speech. *04:36 – The exile of Mitzrayim (Egypt) was a prototype for all the exiles to follow and was essentially the exile of speech. 10:06 – Continue Reading »

Rebbe Nachman's Grave Site in Uman preserved via S.A.L.T. Talks

The History of Rebbe Nachman’s Grave Site in Uman

Posted on February 7, 2018

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. History of Rebbe Nachman’s grave site in Uman, Ukraine. Lecture presented at Adath Yisroel, Hendon, London, on the 21st of Shevat, 5778 (2018-02-05). 00:00 – Introduction – Rabbi Atlas. 03:23 – Rebbe Nachman journeys through Uman. 04:59 – Account of the Khmelnytsky massacre in Uman, 1768, four years before the birth Continue Reading »

Likutey Tefilos – Part 1 – Tefilah 59 – Para. 5 – Patience and Wealth

Posted on January 12, 2018

[Ribono shel Olam  – Master of the World…] have pity and compassion on me, and improve me through Your great goodness. Please allow me to merit being good to all, and impart [to me] from Your holy attributes of compassion, patience, loving kindness, goodness, and generosity to all. And may I be protected from all Continue Reading »

Likutey Tefilos Part 2 – Tefilah 49 – Para. 3 – On Saying Tehillim (Psalms)

Posted on January 7, 2018

[Ribono shel Olam (Master of All Worlds),] …please help me to merit saying Tehillim/Psalms every day with deep sincerity and with all my heart. Please bind my consciousness, my intentions, and my feelings to the holy words of Tehillim to the point that I’m truly connected to the Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Inspiration) that Dovid HaMelech, Continue Reading »


Uman Rescue – Rabbi Nachman and the 30 Thousand Jewish Martyrs – Part 2 of 5

Posted on November 10, 2017

In 1979 the Soviets planned to destroy Rabbi Nachman’s grave in Uman to make way for a housing project. The leaders of the international Breslov community appointed Rabbi Michel Dorfman ז”ל as their spokesman to avert this threat. Reb Michel first went straight to the kosel where he begged, with heartfelt tears and prayers, for Continue Reading »


Uman Rescue – Rabbi Nachman and the 30 Thousand Jewish Martyrs – Part 1 of 5

Posted on November 10, 2017

In 1979 the Soviets planned to destroy Rabbi Nachman’s grave in Uman to make way for a housing project. The leaders of the international Breslov community appointed Rabbi Michel Dorfman ז”ל as their spokesman to avert this threat. Reb Michel first went straight to the kosel where he begged, with heartfelt tears and prayers, for Divine Continue Reading »