Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: November 2020

2020-11-22 – LH2 – OC2 – Devarim HaNohagim BaSeudah 4 – Para. 3 – Kabbalistic Concepts of Rosh Hashanah, Eretz Yisrael; “Back to Back”; Improving Sleep in Kislev

Posted on November 22, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 20. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Introduction to the connection between Rosh Hashanah and Eretz Yisrael. 05:20 – The Torah taught by great tzaddikim on Rosh Hashanah. 09:51 – In Shaar Hakavanos, the Arizal explains the kabbalistic concept of “back to back”. Adam and Chava Continue Reading »

2020-11-20 – LH2 – OC2 – Devarim HaNohagim BaSeudah 4 – Para. 1b-2 – Keys to Meriting Kedushas Eretz Yisrael (Holiness of Eretz Yisrael); Rosh Hashanah; Prayer Before Teaching Torah b’Rabim

Posted on November 20, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 20. *07:31 – PARAGRAPH 2. On Rosh Hashanah, one of the main things we pray for is to merit the holiness of Eretz Yisrael. 19:59 – QUESTION about tefilah b’din. *27:00 – If Hashem does not seem to answer our tefilos, our respect and Continue Reading »

2020-11-19 – LH2 – OC2 – Devarim HaNohagim BaSeudah 4 – Introduction and Para. 1 – Kabbalistic Concept of “Back to Back”; Rosh HaShanah to Shemini Atzeres; Kedushas Eretz Yisrael

Posted on November 19, 2020

00:00 – Introduction to Hilkhos Devarim Hanohagim baSeudah 4. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 20. 02:06 – PARAGRAPH 1. The centrality of Eretz Yisrael to Torah observance. 10:21 – QUESTION: Request for clarification of the terms Olam, Shanah, Nefesh. 11:04 – A person who achieves dwelling in Eretz Yisrael is called “gibor” – Continue Reading »

2020-11-19 – LH2 – OC2 – Betziyas HaPas 3 – Para. 5-7 – The Centrality of Eretz Yisrael; Food Should be Eaten in Joy, Applying Kabbalistic Concepts to Practical Torah Observance

Posted on November 19, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This shiurm presented on the 3rd of Kislev 5781, is dedicated by Peretz Rubel l’ilui nishmas his mother, Sarah Leah bas Reb Lieber a”h. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. 06:11 – PARAGRAPH 6. Parshas Lech Lecha: Eretz Yisrael is the place from which all blessing flows, and it contains all ten levels Continue Reading »

2020-11-15 – LM 2 – Torah 7 – Para. 11b-14a – The Spiritual Dynamic Between Teacher and Student; Moshe Rabbeinu; Beis HaMikdash; The Angel Responsible for Parnassah

Posted on November 15, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 11b (following the words “selach nah” – “please forgive”). The Beis HaMikdash includes the concepts of son and student. 21:11 – Malkitzeddek Melech Shalem. 22:34 – Note: parable about a hungry lion illustrating different kinds of tzaddikim – heard from Rav Eliyahu Chaim Rosen z”l. Note about the Continue Reading »

2020-11-15 – LH2 – OC2 – Seudah 1 – Blessings on Drinking Wine During a Meal

Posted on November 15, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 05:58 – “Improve yourself, then improve others.” – Pirkei Avos 07:21 – Tikkun hadibur al yedei shevach hatzaddikim – Speech is improved by means of praising the righteous.

2020-11-15 – LH2 – OC2 – Netilas Yadayim LiSeudah 106-107 (Birkhas HaReyach) – The Effect of the Holiness of Eretz Yisrael on the Jewish Soul; The Merit of Avraham Avinu Was the Desire to Do Good

Posted on November 15, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 7. 00:00 – This shiur is dedicated by Harry Fox for his father, l’iluyi nishmas Reb Shabsi b’Reb Yissachar Dov a”h. The shiur is also dedicated l’ilui nishmas Reb Chaim Dovid ben Ozer Pinchas a”h, a student of Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l. It Continue Reading »

2020-11-10 – LH2 – OC2 – Netilas Yadayim LiSeudah 6 – Para. 94-96 (Betziyas HaPas 6) – Dipping Bread in Honey on Rosh Hashanah

Posted on November 10, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 7. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 94. 09:00 – PARAGRAPH 95. 37:00 – Kavanos of the Arizal: Through blowing the shofar, we sweeten judgements. [Note: closing letters add up to 280, shofar is shin vav (isha) plus peh reish (“par din” – 280) plus Continue Reading »

2020-11-09 – LH2 – OC2 – Netilas Yadayim LiSeudah 6 – Para. 91b-93a (Betziyas HaPas 6) – Minyan for Mezuman on Bread; Why Do We Dip Bread in Honey on Rosh Hashanah?

Posted on November 9, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 7. Netilas Yadayim LiSeudah (washing hands before eating a meal with bread). 00:33 – PARAGRAPH 91b (From the words “veAl Keyn Ain mezamen al haPeyros…”). 09:23 – QUESTION about different levels of Torah. 13:19 – Introduction to PARAGRAPH 92. 14:11 – PARAGRAPH Continue Reading »

2020-11-08 – LM2 – Torah 7 – Para. 10b-11 – Parnassah (Livelihood), as the Manna, Is Given “In It’s Time”; Chanukah

Posted on November 8, 2020

2Likutey Moharan 7. Topics: Parnassah – livelihood – as manna; Chanukah. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. [Note about recording sound quality: this shiur was recorded in Ben Gurion airport while R’ Nasan was waiting for a plane to Uman.] 00:47 – PARAGRAPH 10b. From the words “u’mah sh’misgaleh he-aras haratzon be’eys ha’achila davka”. A husband’s obligation Continue Reading »