Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: August 2020

2020-08-10 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 4 – Para. 5-8 – The Hiddenness of Esther HaMalka; Why Purim Needs No Issur Malacha; Purim 5 – Intro. – Para. 1 – Eretz Yisrael and the Defeat of Evil

Posted on August 10, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:58 – PARAGRAPH 5. 03:07 – PARAGRAPH 6. 05:39 – PARAGRAPH 7. Esther HaMalkah is an aspect of the hiddenness of Hashem. The forces of evil could not affect her because she was invisible to them. A spiritual substitute was sent to stand in for her when she had to be Continue Reading »

2020-08-09 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 4 – Para. 2-4 – Why the Celebration of Purim Will Continue Even After Moshiach is Revealed – Why the Other Holidays Will Be Diminished

Posted on August 9, 2020

Purim 4 – – Why the Celebration of Purim Will Continue Even After Moshiach is Revealed – Why the Other Holidays Will Be Diminished – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Purim 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 33. 00:00 – PARAGRAP H 2. The evil plan of Haman in his attempt to destroy Am Yisrael Continue Reading »

2020-08-06 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 3 – Para. 11-12 – Tikkun HaMishpat Through Charity; Purim 4 – Intro.-Para. 1 – Avodah Zara Cannot be Redeemed

Posted on August 6, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Shiur given 16th Av, 5780. Halakha 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 5. 00:00 – Dedications. 02:04 – PARAGRAPH 11. The mitzvah of giving matanos l’evyonim (gifts to the poor) on Purim. 11:52 – PARAGRAPH 12. “Ad she lo yada…” what’s the significance of not knowing the difference between Continue Reading »

2020-08-05 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 3 – Para. 8 – Tikkun HaMishpat; Why Eretz Yisrael was Apportioned to the Shevatim Through Goral (Lottery); How Mordechai Defeated Haman

Posted on August 5, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 5. 00:00 – Dedications. 03:16 – PARAGRAPH 8. Why Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) was distributed among the 12 shevatim (tribes) through goral (lottery). How Mordechai HaTzaddik defeated Haman by humbling himself before Hashem. 12:28 – PARAGRAPH 9. Out of love Continue Reading »

2020-08-04 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 3 – Para. 6-7 – Repairing Injustice; Amelek Originated from the Nachash; Shaul HaMelech; The Danger of False Humility

Posted on August 4, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2 Torah 5. 00:00 – Dedications. This shiur is sponsored by Mr. Nathan Rudy, Nissim ben Naomi, for his hatzlacha, as well as for the hatzlacha of his father, Ezra ben Seti, and for the entire family 01:35 – PARAGRAPH 6. 07:13 – Haman Continue Reading »

2020-08-03 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 3 – Para. 2-5 – Positive and Negative Spiritual Aspects of Food – Shalach Manos

Posted on August 3, 2020

Purim 3 – Positive and Negative Spiritual Aspects of Food – Shalach Manos – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 02:35 – PARAGRAPH 2. The month of Nissan. Haman wanted to attack Am Yisrael during Adar because, according to his calculations, it seemed the best time to destroy Israel. What was his mistake? 08:16 – PARAGRAPH 3. Continue Reading »

2020-08-02 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 2b – Reading the Megillah; Purim 3 – Intro. – Para. 1 – Shalach Manos and Matanos LaEvyonim; Festive Meal of Purim

Posted on August 2, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 17. 00:00 – Purim 2 – Part 2. Reading the Megilla. 28:00 – HALAKHA 3. Introduction. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 2, Torah 5. 34:00 – The Shem Havaya has 12 different tzirufim which correspond to the 12 months of the lunar Continue Reading »

2020-07-31 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 1 – Para. 5-7 – Why Megilas Esther Must be Written and Read from a Scroll; Feasting and Charity on Purim; Halakha 2a

Posted on July 31, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. THis halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 56. 00:00 – Seven Weeks of Condolences. Dedications. 04:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Why Megilas Esther had to be put into writing, and must be read from a written scroll (not by heart). Reference to Likutey Moharan 56, Paragraph 9: the forces of tumeh (impurity) Continue Reading »

2020-07-29 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 1 – Para. 2c-4 – Teshuvah (Repentance) and Gilgul (Reincarnation); Hashem’s Kindness is Infinite (Eicha); Erev Tisha B’Av

Posted on July 29, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2 (about 36 lines from end of paragraph, from the words “Aval b’emes Morchechai…”) 14:26 – PARAGRAPH 3. Teshuvah (returning to Hashem). *32:54 – Story from the Zohar Hakodesh about reincarnations. 36:02 – QUESTION about traveling to Uman for Rosh Hashanah. 38:30 – The haftarah of Yonah HaNavi Continue Reading »

2020-07-28 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 1 – Para. 2b – The Creation and Source of Good and Evil; Goral (Lottery); Olam HaBa’ah (the Next World)

Posted on July 28, 2020

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – The creation and source of good and evil. 10:41 – The concept of goral (lottery, destiny) is associated with Olam Habah. 17:32 – Punishment of the Yezter HaRa (Evil Inclination) at the end of time. 25:51 – QUESTION about why Olam HaBa’ah (the Future World) is not mentioned explicitly Continue Reading »