BeHaAlosekha – How Does Tikkun HaBris Apply to Women? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Based on Likutey Halakhos, Orach Chaim 3, Yom HaKippurim 1, Para. 2-3. The entire shiur is HERE.
Maachalaey Akum 2 – Nature is Elokim – Teshuvah – Az Yashir – Song of the Future – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This Halakha is based on 2Likutey Moharan 8. Yayin Nesech, Kol, Akdamos. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7. The prohibition of drinking the wine of a non-Jew – yayin nesech. Tochecha (holy rebuke) can sweeten Continue Reading »
Chayey Moharan – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 04:50 – Rebbe Nachman travels to the city of Lodz. 07:25 – Technical interruption. 19:39 – Q&R – Why did Rebbe Nachman want to see angels? 20:57 – Q&R about Reb Michel Dorfman z”ls dream in which he saw Rebbe Nachman. 26:09 – PARAGRAPH 114. 32:11 – NOTE: Continue Reading »
Chayey Moharan – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Dedications and introduction to the Sefer. 07:25 – Lineage and birth of Rebbe Nachman. 13:40 – Bar Mitzvah and marriage of Rebbe Nachman. 20:42 – Reb Shimon ז”ל becomes Rebbe Nachman’s first student 22:09 – Q&R about why Rebbe Nachman pretended not to be so religious when he Continue Reading »
Bamidbar – Matan Torah – A Relationship of Respect – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Shiur given in the Shaarei Chesed Breslov Shul on 2018-05-07. 03:19 – Yom HaBikurim. Why Shavuos is called Atzeres. 06:20 – Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev zal. 10:00 – Why the Torah was given amidst thunder and lightning.
When the Torah was given to the People of Israel, Hashem promised to stand with them, always. Israel, in turn, promised to keep His commandments. Since these were vows exchanged with love, why was the Torah given amidst fire, lightning, and thunder? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. The entire shiur is HERE.
Bechukosai – Secrets of Chatzos – What is the origin of reciting the Tikkun Lail Shavuos? How is chatzos halaila (kabbalistic midnight) calculated? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. The entire shiur is HERE.
Behar – Bechukosai – Secrets of Chatzos – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2c. How a bit of traif can become kosher by falling into a kosher mixture. 04:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. 30:00 – HALAKHA 3. INTRODUCTION. 33:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. 43:00 – Bitul b’shishim. 47:00 – Sheleymus hamitah accomplished on Shavuos. Why Matan Torah was only possible after Yisro converted. Continue Reading »
Iyar – LaG b’Omer – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.