This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan Torah 56. Throughout this halakha there are references to the eleventh story in Rabbi Nachman’s Sipurey Masiyos: “The Exchanged Children.” 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Every Jew has the potential to be as great as the greatest tzaddik. 19:00 – (Lesson 099b). 28:50 – PARAGRAPH 7. 35:58 – PARAGRAPH Continue Reading »
Likutey Halakhos, Birkhas HaShachar 3. Rabbi Nasan Maimon: The origin of the soul of Dovid HaMelech. What is ShoVaViM TaT? This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan Torah 56. 00:00 – (Lesson 098a) The Heichal HaTemuros (Hall of Exchanges) caused by Adam’s exile from Gan Eden (the Garden of Eden) is the source for temporary Continue Reading »
Halakhos 1 and 3 of Birkhas HaShachar are based on Likutey Moharan Torah 56. 00:00 – The “voice of the rooster” alludes to the power of waking up the world to service of Hashem. What is binah (discernment)? 17:45 – Note that Rav Nasan of Nemirov usually presents the first halakha of any topic in Continue Reading »
Naming a son at his bris milah (circumcision), Purim, Beis HaMikdash, tzaddik.
Tzaddik, emunah (Jewish faith). Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Tzaddik, story of shoemaker and tefilos chatzos (the midnight prayer), why do we use the light of the havdalah candles to distinguish between our fingernails and skin? Adam and Chava (Eve) and their garments, first of light and then of leather.
Control of thoughts, Sefiras HaOmer (counting the Omer), LaG BaOmer, Purim, Shavuos.
Control of thoughts, sefiras haOmer (counting the Omer), LaG BaOmer.
The process of counting the Omer establishes the purity of mind necessary for receiving the Torah. (This halakha is based on Torah 72 of Likutey Moharan 2.) 00:00 – At the time of the Exodus, the People of Israel did not yet merit to receive the Torah. The nature of Chometz (leavened dough) is an Continue Reading »