Likutey Moharan 11 – Likutey Moharan 12 – Rabbah Bar Bar Chana – Analogy of Bird Standing in Water – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon (Lesson 046. Recorded 1989-08-27.)
Likutey Moharan 11 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 045. Recorded 1989-08-20.)
Likutey Moharan 11 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 044. Recorded 1989-08-13.)
Likutey Moharan 10 – Likutey Moharan 11 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon (Lesson 043. Recorded 1989-08-06.)
Likutey Moharan 10 – Para. 9-10 – Purim. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 042. Recorded 1989-07-30.)
Likutey Moharan 10 – Para. 6-8 – Purim. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 041. Recorded 1989-07-02.)
This week’s parsha shiur is based on Orach Chaim, Hilkhos Hodoah 6, Para. 57. Our sages teach that Hashem always sends the remedy before He sends the affliction. So before He sent us into exile, He prepared the way for us to leave through Yosef HaTzaddik. Because Yosef refused to give in to a slave Continue Reading »
Tefilah (Jewish prayer) is the greatest revelation of ratzon (goal, yearning). Hashem will change the laws of nature in the merit of a tzaddik who prays on behalf of a person who entrusts him with a pidyon nefesh (charity enabling a redemption process). 00:00. PARAGRAPH 7 (end). “Charity uplifts a nation…”(Mishlei/Proverbs 14:34). Jewish charity is Continue Reading »
Ratzon (will power), Shema, pidyon nefesh (redemption process), rain, clouds, 49 days of the Omer, tzedaka (charity), Shavuos, parnassa (income, livelihood). 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 65. The process of pidyon nefesh performed by a tzaddik can change the laws of nature. 40:34 – PARAGRAPH 67. Benefit through connection with a tzaddik is a result of faith Continue Reading »
Ratzon (will power, favor, appeasement), the 49 days of the Omer, tzedaka (charity), peah (a Torah law regarding harvesting crops), Shavuos, Birkhas HaTorah, Birkhas Kohanim, parnassa (livelihood). 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 63. 43:30 – PARAGRAPH 64.