Inner dimensions of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the tzaddik‘s power of attraction, and the mishkan (tabernacle). All honor streams to the world’s leaders through the tzaddik.
Breaking the luchos (tablet of the ten commandments), Avraham (Abraham), Sarah, Yonah (Jonah), Esther, Adam, Chava (Eve).
Viduy (confession), 13 attributes of kindness, Moshe Rabeynu, the golden calf, erasing the Name of Hashem.
Tzaddik, ten statements of creation.
Chatzos (midnight prayer), Moshe Rabeynu, Dovid HaMelech, chometz, matzah, initiative from below.
Commitment to the Torah on faith before understanding. Shekolim.
Chometz, matza, Pesach, Sefiras HaOmer, Shavuos, Jews in contrast to non-Jews.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Pesach, Shavuos, chometz, Adam, tree of knowledge. Date of recording: 1997-11-25.
Tzaddikim are more refined and influential than angels. Doing mitzvos with simcha (joy). Parshas Shekolim.