Sod HaIbur (the secret of conception) and Binah LaItim (understanding of times). Rosh Chodesh (sanctification of the new moon) was the first mitzvah (Torah commandment) given to Israel and established the kedusha (holiness) of time. Halacha (Torah/Jewish law) and mystical secrets of the lunar calendar in light of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov/Breslev. Continue Reading »
Sefiras HaOmer (counting the Omer) in light of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (Breslev). Enumeration is an aspect of purification and elevation of consciousness. Every day “counts”. Rosh Chodesh (sanctification of the new moon) was the first mitzvah (Torah commandment) given to Israel and established the kedusha (holiness) of time. Halacha (Torah/Jewish law), Continue Reading »
Pesach Seder: the four questions – mah nishtana. How the simple process of asking and responding on this special night activates powerful dynamics that bring light to all worlds. Speaker: by Rabbi Nasan Maimon.