Making a kinyan with the Tzaddik. Biographical account from the life of Reb Avraham (Sternhartz) Kokhav Lev. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Why is wearing tzitzis a young boy’s first mitzvah? What does this accomplish for the child? Text: Likutey Halakhos, Choshen Mishpat 2, MaAkeh uShmiras HaNefesh 4 – Para. 7. – (CM2 – Lesson 186a – CLIP). Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Adam’s sin, na’aseh v’nishmah (we will do and we will hear), bitul (self nullification). Why the building of the mishkan (tabernacle) immediately followed the chet haegel (sin regarding the golden calf).
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Prohibition of having a weak or unstable ladder in one’s home and how it relates to kol (voice of Torah study and prayer). 10:14 – Yerida and aliya, the necessity to descend before an ascent. Protection from falling and recovery. 14:14 – PARAGRAPH 4. Every Jewish home is connected to the Continue Reading »
00:00 – HALAKHA 1. Building a protective fence or guardrail around one’s roof to prevent bloodshed. 21:09 – HALAKHA 2. The mitzvah to protect one’s soul is related to the mitzvah of building a sukkah.
Torah laws of aveylus (Jewish mourning) in light of the teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov (Breslev). Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. The deeper meanings behind the laws and customs honoring the niftar (the deceased) by sitting shiva (seven days of mourning). Tzadaka (charity) and yahrzeit (memorial) candle in memory of the departed soul. Death, funeral, Continue Reading »