Milah 4 – Time vs. Above Time – based on 2Likutey Moharan 61 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. Chochma (Torah wisdom) is related to the light of day. 08:23 – PARAGRAPH 5. Kindling the lights of the Chanukah menorah. 24:39 – טעמה כי טוב סחרה לא יכבה בלילה נרה “…Her candle is not extinguished at night…” (Mishlei/Proverbs 31.)
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2. Returning a lost object draws the hashgocha (protection and guidance) of Hashem down upon the person doing the mitzvah. 23:38 – PARAGRAPH 3. A description of the inner dimensions of seder tefilas shacharis (the morning prayer service). 34:14 – Giving charity during shacharis when reaching the words “vehaOsher vehaKavod milifanech” (“wealth Continue Reading »
00:53 – PARAGRAPH 4. How the three mitzvos of Purim relate to returning a lost object. How silence is an important element in tshuvah (repentance). 16:18 – PARAGRAPH 5. How the three brochos made on reading the megillah correspond to the three “points” of redemption: the upper point (chochma), the connecting point (“vuv“), and the Continue Reading »
00:00 – Last two paragraphs of section 2. Tshuvah (repentance) is dependent on malchus (rulership). Establishing a king in Israel is an aspect of returning a lost object. 07:27 – PARAGRAPH 3. Purim. Mordechai and Esther vs. Haman/Amalek. The upper and lower “points” in the redemption process. Mordechai was the upper point, Esther, who had Continue Reading »
This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 1, Torah 6. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Returning lost articles. Tshuvah (repentance) depends on knowing halakha and being a baki b’rotzo, baki b’shov (master of advancing and returning). 16:52 – PARAGRAPH 2. Having compassion on the person who lost the article. The three points of vision that are Continue Reading »
00:38 – PARAGRAPH 9. Returning lost objects. 05:35 – PARAGRAPH 10. Kovod (honor). 10:30 – PARAGRAPH 11. If a child finds something that someone has lost, his father has the responsibility for that lost object. 13:42 – PARAGRAPH 12. 18:32 – PARAGRAPH 13. 25:52 – PARAGRAPH 14. Harmful objects do not have to be returned.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. Malchus (sovereignty) and honor are drawn through returning lost objects to their owner. 19:44 – PARAGRAPH 5. Why the establishment of Jewish kings began with a search for missing possessions. Shmuel HaNavi (Samuel the Prophet) restores what was lost. 24:46 – PARAGRAPH 6. Why the leaders of Israel were trained and Continue Reading »
Elul – Teshuva – The Power of Possibility – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Text: Likutey Halakhos Orakh Chaim 1, Hilkhos Tefillin 5, Paragraph 26. One of the Names of HaShem is Ekyeh– “I will be.” This relates to the power of potential and free will, and gives us the ability for teshuva – return to Continue Reading »