Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: August 2024

2024-08-12 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 13-16 – Shoftim – Beshalach – Vayishlach – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Peace – Chalitza – Purim – Haman – Etz HaDaas – Rebuilding the Beis HaMikdash – Nedarim – Vows – Repair for Bowing to Idols – Customs of Erev Tisha B’Av – Tikkun Chatzos Laila – Only Tikkun Rochel on Tisha B’Av

Posted on August 12, 2024

Yibum 3 – Shoftim – Beshalach – Vayishlach – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Peace – Chalitza – Purim – Haman – Etz HaDaas – Rebuilding the Beis HaMikdash – Nedarim – Vows – Repair for Bowing to Idols – Customs of Erev Tisha B’Av – Tikkun Chatzos Laila – Only Tikkun Rochel on Tisha B’Av – Continue Reading »

2024-08-11 – Healthy Parenting – Part 6

Posted on August 11, 2024

Healthy Parenting – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

2024-08-11 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 10b-12 – Ki Seitzi – Chalitza – Shmad – Forced Conversion – Shoes – Garments of Leather – Emunas Chokhomim Is Repaired Through Neder – Aveilus – No Shoes During Mourning

Posted on August 11, 2024

Yibum 3 – Ki Seitzi – Chalitza – Shmad – Forced Conversion – Shoes – Garments of Leather – Emunas Chokhomim Is Repaired Through Neder – Aveilus – No Shoes During Mourning – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Yibum 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 57. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 10b. 04:30 – Reference to Likutey Continue Reading »

2024-08-09 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 8-10a – Feet Are Related to Emunah – Malkhus – Shoes Represent the Wife – Emunas Chokhomim – Avraham Avinu – Shoelace – Upper Binah and Lower Binah – Torah Is the Blueprint of Creation – Noga – Havdalah – Fingernails – Yom Kippur – Tisha B’Av – Garments of Light – Leather

Posted on August 9, 2024

Yibum 3 – Feet Are Related to Emunah – Malkhus – Shoes Represent the Wife – Emunas Chokhomim – Avraham Avinu – Shoelace – Upper Binah and Lower Binah – Torah Is the Blueprint of Creation – Noga – Havdalah – Fingernails – Yom Kippur – Tisha B’Av – Garments of Light – Leather – Continue Reading »

2024-08-08 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 5b-7 – Bereishis – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Moshiach – Bearing Children Corrects the Sin of Adam veChava – Cain – Hevel – Esav – Source of Hatred – Yerovam ben Navat – Peace of Shabbos – Power of Neder – Vow – Rochel Imeinu – Binyomin – Beis HaMikdash

Posted on August 8, 2024

Yibum 3 – Bereishis – Emunas Chokhomim Brings Moshiach – Bearing Children Corrects the Sin of Adam veChava – Cain – Hevel – Esav – Source of Hatred – Yerovam ben Navat – Peace of Shabbos – Power of Neder – Vow – Rochel Imeinu – Binyomin – Beis HaMikdash – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Continue Reading »

2024-08-07 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 3 – Para. 2b-5a – Bereishis – Matos – Torah sheBaal Peh – Emunas Chokhomim – Marriage – Woman Draws Her Life Force From the Oral Torah – Birth Process – Gilgul – Nedarim – Shalom – Etz HaDaas – Psak Halakha

Posted on August 7, 2024

Yibum 3 – Bereishis – Matos – Torah sheBaal Peh – Bringing Children Into the World Depends on Emunas Chokhomim – Marriage – Woman Draws Her Life Force From the Oral Torah – Birth Process – Gilgul – Nedarim – Shalom Keeps the World Going – Aishes Chayil – Etz HaDaas – Psak Halakha – Continue Reading »

2024-08-06 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 2 – Para. 6-7 – Yibum 3 – Para. 1-2a – Chalitza – Mistake of Miriam HaNevia – Emunas Chokhamim – Shabbos Meals Protect Am Yisrael from Enemies – Anger Brings Dinim – Brain, Heart, Liver – Melech – Oral Torah – Mitzvos Depend on Guidance from Rabbis – New Day, New Revelation of Torah

Posted on August 6, 2024

Yibum 2 – Yibum 3 – Chalitza – Mistake of Miriam HaNevia – Emunas Chokhamim – Shabbos Meals Protect Am Yisrael from Enemies – Anger Brings Dinim – Brain, Heart, Liver – Melech – Oral Torah – Mitzvos Depend on Guidance from Rabbis – New Day, New Revelation of Torah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Continue Reading »

2024-08-05 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 2 – Para. 1-5 – Ki Seitzei – Malkhus Has No Light of its Own – A Name Is a Vessel for HaShem’s Light – Children Establish Name – Issur Arayus – Chiyus – Life Energy – The Unity of Brothers – Erasing the Name of Amalek – Chalitza

Posted on August 5, 2024

Yibum 2 – Ki Seitzei – Malkhus Has No Light of its Own – A Name Is a Vessel for HaShem’s Light – Children Establish Name – Issur Arayus – Chiyus – Life Energy – The Unity of Brothers – Erasing the Name of Amalek – Chalitza – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. 00:00 – INTRODUCTION. Continue Reading »

2024-08-04 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 1 – Para. 5-8 – Yerusha – Why a Son Has Priority In Inheritance – Tikkun Taavas Mamon Is Accomplished from Generation to Generation – Tikkun HaBris – Bigdei Yesha – Parshas Pinchas – Bnos Tzelafchad – Wealth in the Beis HaMikdash

Posted on August 4, 2024

Yibum 1 – Yerusha – Why a Son Has Priority In Inheritance – Tikkun Taavas Mamon Is Accomplished from Generation to Generation – Tikkun HaBris – Bigdei Yesha – Parshas Pinchas – Bnos Tzelafchad – Wealth in the Beis HaMikdash – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Yibum 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 23 and Continue Reading »

2024-08-02 – LH6 – EH – Yibum 1 – Para. 1-4 – Establishing the Name of a Man Who Dies Without Children – Widow – Brother – Yerusha – Inheritance – Zera Kayama – Gratitude Breaks Taavas Mamon – Desire for Money Leads to Depression – Parnassah – Livelihood – Pregnancy – Soul of a Child During the 9 Months Before Birth

Posted on August 2, 2024

Yibum 1 – Establishing the Name of a Man Who Dies Without Children – Widow – Brother – Yerusha – Inheritance – Zera Kayama – Gratitude Breaks Taavas Mamon – Desire for Money Leads to Depression – Parnassah – Livelihood – Pregnancy – Soul of a Child During the 9 Months Before Birth – Speaker: Continue Reading »