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Archive: May 2024

Sivan – Mysterious Sounds of Matan Torah (Clip)

Posted on May 10, 2024

Sivan – Mysterious Sounds of Matan Torah. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. On Erev Shavuos 1798, just before he embarked on the ship that would take him to Eretz Yisrael, Rabbi Nachman described hearing the distant sounds of Matan Torah. Excerpted from Shevachey HaRan 2 – Para. 8. The entire Shiur is HERE.

2024-04-15 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 3 – Para. 11-13a – Bikur Cholim – Shekhina – Pi Shneyim – Double Portion of Ruach – Importance of Preparing a Last Will – Both Cherim and Aveylus Are 30 Days – Rabbi Eliezer HaGadol

Posted on April 15, 2024

Reishis HaGez 3 – Bikur Cholim – Shekhina – Pi Shneyim – Double Portion of Ruach – Importance of Preparing a Last Will – Both Cherim and Aveylus Are 30 Days – Excommunication and Mourning – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 7. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. Hilkhos Continue Reading »

2024-04-14 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 3 – Para. 8b-10 – Dovid HaMelech vs. Naval – Avshalom – Nidui – Chashmal – Protective Power of Shoes – Tefillin – Moshe Rabbeinu Knew When To Be Silent – Parshas Shemos

Posted on April 14, 2024

Reishis HaGez 3 – Dovid HaMelech vs. Naval – Avshalom – Nidui – Chashmal – Protective Power of Shoes – Tefillin – Moshe Rabbeinu Knew When To Be Silent – Parshas Shemos – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 7. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 8b. Dovid HaMelech vs. Naval. Continue Reading »

Metzora – The Healing Power of Humility (Clip)

Posted on April 13, 2024

Metzora – The Healing Power of Humility – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Text: Likutey Halakhos, Yoreh Deah, Hilkhos Orlah 5, Para. 19. The entire shiur is HERE. Based on Likutey Moharan 14 – “The Four Types of Humility.”

2024-04-12 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 3 – Para. 5-8a – Whiteness of Wool – Atik – Makifim – Tetzaveh – Seudah at the Time of Shearing Sheep – Achila beKedusha – HeAras HaRatzon – Yehudah, Tamar, Moshiach – Why Dovid HaMelech Will Live Forever

Posted on April 12, 2024

Reishis HaGez 3 – Whiteness of Wool – Atik – Makifim – Tetzaveh – Seudah at the Time of Shearing Sheep – Achila beKedusha – HeAras HaRatzon – Yehudah, Tamar, Moshiach – Why Dovid HaMelech Will Live Forever – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 7. 00:00 – Continue Reading »

2024-04-11 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 3 – Para. 3-4 – Daas – Awareness of HaShem – Siyag LeChokhma – Knowing When To Be Silent – Makif – Peleh – Alef – Tzaddik HaDor – How and When To Ask Questions

Posted on April 11, 2024

Reishis HaGez 3 – Awareness of HaShem – Siyag LeChokhma – Knowing When To Be Silent – Makif – Peleh – Alef – Tzaddik HaDor – How and When To Ask Questions – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 7. 00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. סְיָג לַחָכְמָה שְׁתִיקָה – Continue Reading »

2024-04-07 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 2 – Part 2 – Reishis HaGez 3 – Para. 1-2 – Malkhus Moshiach – Memory Is Related to the Eyes – Shearing Wool – Separating Daas from Medameh – Dovid HaMelech vs. Avshalom – Yaakov Avinu vs. Lavan – Shepherds of Israel

Posted on April 7, 2024

Reishis HaGez 2 – Malkhus Moshiach – Memory Is Related to the Eyes – Shearing Wool – Separating Daas from Medameh – Dovid HaMelech vs. Avshalom – Yaakov Avinu vs. Lavan – Shepherds of Israel – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 54. – Memory Is Related to Continue Reading »

2024-04-05 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 1 – Hilkhos Aveylus – 7 Days of Mourning – Death – Makhlokes – Conflict – Torn Clothing – Shiva – Oil Represents Mochin deGadlus – Reishis HaGez 2 – Part 1 – Determining Halakha Is Related to Shearing Wool

Posted on April 5, 2024

Reishis HaGez 1 – Hilkhos Aveylus – 7 Days of Mourning – Death – Makhlokes – Conflict – Torn Clothing – Shiva – Oil Represents Mochin deGadlus – Reishis HaGez 2 – Determining Halakha Is Related to Shearing Wool – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 19. 00:00 Continue Reading »

2024-04-04 – LH5 – YD2 – Reishis HaGez 1 – Garments Protect – Shearing Wool – Cherem – Excommunication – Daled Amos – Four Cubits of a Person’s Malkhus – Domain – Shoes – Garments of Leather – Malakh Mem Tess – Etz HaDaas – Tree of Knowledge – Good and Evil

Posted on April 4, 2024

Reishis HaGez 1 – Garments Protect – Shearing Wool – Cherem – Excommunication – Daled Amos – Four Cubits of a Person’s Malkhus – Domain – Shoes – Garments of Leather – Malakh Mem Tess – Etz HaDaas – Tree of Knowledge – Good and Evil – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Reishis HaGez 1 Continue Reading »

2024-04-03 – LH5 – YD2 – Trumos uMaasros 4 – Para. 2-9 – Korach – Procedure of Trumah to the Kohen and Maaser to the Levi – Curse Affecting the Earth’s Produce – Throat – Yabbok – Preference of Right and Left in Observing Mitzvos – Tzedakah – Lifting the Hands – Shir of Channah – 10 Mitzvos of Bread

Posted on April 3, 2024

Trumos uMaasros 4 – Procedure of Trumah to the Kohen and Maaser to the Levi – Curse Affecting the Earth’s Produce – Throat – Yabbok – Preference of Right and Left in Observing Mitzvos – Tzedakah – Lifting the Hands – Shir of Channah – 10 Mitzvos of Bread – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Continue Reading »