2025-03-13 – LH7 – CM1 – Harshaah 4 – Para. 2-5 – Heichal HaKodesh – Mishpat – Preventing Litigation in Business – Power of Attorney – Beis Din – Cheshbon HaNefesh
Harshaah 4 – Heichal HaKodesh – Mishpat – Preventing Litigation in Business – Power of Attorney – Beis Din – Cheshbon HaNefesh – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Hilkhos Harshaah 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 59.
- 00:00 – REVIEW.
- 01:24 – PARAGRAPH 2.Heichal HaKodesh. Evil can be transmitted from one person to another, therefore a person doing outreach, or doing business, needs to protect himself from the evil attached to the people he’s dealing with. For this reason, both litigants in a Beis Din are both considered in the wrong when the hearing/judgement begins.
- 10:00 – Business transactions are an aspect of kiruv – the elevation of fallen sparks of holiness. Mishpat protects a person, doing a self-accounting constantly. This means hisbodedus – to speak to HaShem and include an audit of thoughts, words, and deeds. If a person does this properly, he activates the fire of Mishpat which burns away any evil attaching himself from the business transactions being conducted. And if a person does this properly, then HaShem will protect that person and prevent that he will ever have to go to court. The person’s own self-judgement will be enough Mishpat to save him from any kind of litigation.15:00 – NOTE – if a person finds he has to go to Beis Din, he is made aware of how the Torah applies to the situation and receives a tikkun for his mistake.
- 20:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Harshaah – shaliach – appointing a legal representative to Beis Din. The Kisey HaKovod is related to Kisey HaMishpat. Reference to Likutey Moharan 59:2.
- 31:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. Kisey HaMishpat – the authority of a Beis Din is only established through proclaiming that three individuals are uniting to serve as a Beis Din. Admission of guilt in a Beis Din.
- 33:50 – PARAGRAPH 5. Power of attorney. The Heichal HaKodesh cloaks the lower ruach – “feet of the heart” of the person building it.
- 38:30 – ***“What comes from the heart, enters the heart [of another].” [pause-tech problem].
- 42:00 – The fire in the heart of a person who establishes a Heichal HaKodesh is the fire of Mishpat.
- 46:40 – *Closing blessings – chizuk for hisbodedus, cheshbon hanefesh, and building the Heichal HaKodesh.