Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 – Sefiras HaOmer Is an Aspect of Ayeh Makom Kevodo – Teshuvah – Barley Offering – Shavuos – Pesach Sheni – Ain Shum Yiush BeOlam – Never Give Up – Why LaG BeOmer Is for Everyone – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Geviyas Chov MeyhaYisomim 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 12 – “Ayeh HaSeh”.
00:00 – Dedications and review. Ayeh makov kevodo.
02:40 – PARAGRAPH 17. Seferias HaOmer is an aspect of “ayeh makom kevodo” – searching for HaShem.
04:00 – אַיֵּ֚ה סֹפֵר֙ – “…where is he who counts…” (Yeshaya 33:18).
*08:00 – Not even the slightest movement toward holiness is lost. HaShem sees even the smallest thought, word, or action of teshuvah.
*11:00 – Every person has to pass through many experiences and travel through many places until he merits entering the gates of holiness.
12:00 – NOTE – The Baal Shem Tov HaKodesh instituted the custom of saying Tehillim 107 – “Hodu” just before mincha on Erev Shabbos.
13:30 – Reference to the Story of the Lost Princess in Sipurey Maasios.
14:00 – Q&R about searching for HaShem. Why a synagogue is called a Beis Knesses. Why a Torah study hall is called a Beis Midrash.
17:45 – Q&R – the search for HaShem is not easy, but is never futile. Most of a person’s efforts toward kedushah cannot be seen by others, they are seen only by HaShem.
23:14 – Return to text.
27:10 – Rebbe Nachman encouraged his students: “Gevald! Never give up!” Rav Nosson zal described the tremendous feeling and heart with which the Rebbe said these words.
29:10 – The korbon of barley.
33:20 – PARAGRAPH 18. Pesach Sheni. Ain Shum Yiush BeOlam – never give pp – more literally: “there’s no reason on earth to despair”.
36:30 – A person who is in conflict must seek a tzaddik, just as Rivka Imeinu went to inquire at the yeshiva of Shem veEyver when she was troubled about her pregnancy.
39:50 – The light of Shavuos originates from the place of “Ayeh” – the highest level of HaShem.
41:30 – Shavuos is called keser.
41:45 – Q&R – there are different types of searching.
42:20 – INTRODUCTION to PARAGRAPH 19. By hashgacha, the next topic – LaG BeOmer – will focus on concepts in his week’s parsha: Vayeishev. “Meguri” means “megaier” – bringing people close to HaShem. The Avos were constantly involved in outreach. Yosef HaTzaddik knew that the task of the tzaddik is to connect with people of all spiritual levels.
***44:40 – NOTE about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal orchestrating a confrontation between Rabbi Gamliel and Rabbi Yeshuah. This initiated a change in policy of Torah study in the generation, whereby students of all levels were now welcome.
46:45 – This incident is just one example of why people of all levels of Torah observance revere Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal – why “LaG BeOmer is for everyone.”
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