Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-09-19 – LH7 – CM1 – Dayanim 3 – Para. 26-29 – Dayanim 4 – Para. 1-2 – Kriyas Shema of Shacharis – Emes – Choshen Mishpat – Parshas Ki Seitzei – Benefits of Working for a Living – Honesty in Business – Parshas Mishpatim – Dayanim Are Called Elokim

Dayanim 3 – Dayanim 4 – Kriyas Shema of Shacharis – Emes – Choshen Mishpat – Parshas Ki Seitzei – Benefits of Working for a Living – Honesty in Business – Parshas Mishpatim – Dayanim Are Called Elokim – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Dayanim 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 9.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 26. Kriyas Shema of Shacharis.
04:00 – PARAGRAPH 27. “Ani HaShem Elokeichem – Emes”.
08:00 – PARAGRAPH 28. Kriyas Shema speaks of emes.
20:00 – PARAGRAPH 29. Choshen Mishpat.
25:00 – DAYANIM 4. Hilkhos Dayanim 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 280.
26:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Introduction. Parshas Ki Seitzei.
***27:00 – Benefits of working for a living. NOTE from Rav Eliya’ Chaim Rosen zal.
34:00 – PARAGRAPH 2. Honesty in business.
36:00 – NOTE about a wealthy businessman who became a baal teshuvah.
40:00 – Q&R about repairing a mistake with a business partner.
41:00 – Parshas Mishpatim. Dayanim are called Elokim.
51:00 – Dayanim are called Elokim because they reveal the Presence of HaShem.
52:00 – Story of the Baal Shem Tov HaKadosh and a shipment of cattle.
55:00 – Closing blessings.

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