Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-09-10 – LH7 – CM1 – Dayanim 3 – Para. 14-19a – Beis Din – 2 Witnesses Needed – 2 Levels of Emes – Taking an Oath – Sohd HaIbur – Similarities Between Yaakov Avinu and Yosef HaTzaddik – Tefilah – HisKashrus to the Tzaddik Emes – Purim – Adar Sheni – Beshalach – Hands of Moshe Rabbeinu

Dayanim 3 – Beis Din – 2 Witnesses Needed – 2 Levels of Emes – Taking an Oath – Sohd HaIbur – Similarities Between Yaakov Avinu and Yosef HaTzaddikTefilah – HisKashrus to the Tzaddik Emes – Purim – Adar SheniBeshalach – Hands of Moshe Rabbeinu – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Dayanim 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 9.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 14. Beis Din – 2 witnesses corresponding to the 2 levels of truth.
10:00 – PARAGRAPH 15. The purpose of taking an oath in Beis Din.
14:40 – תִּתֵּ֚ן אֱמֶת֙ לְיַֽעֲקֹ֔ב – “You shall give truth to Yaakov…” (Micha 7:20).
17:00 – PARAGRAPH 16. וַיָּ֚קֶם עֵד֨וּת | בְּיַֽעֲקֹ֗ב – “And He established testimony in Jacob…” (Tehillim 78:5). Similarities between Yaakov Avinu and Yosef HaTzaddik. Reference to Likutey Moharan 1.
18:00 – Every Jew is constantly accompanied by two witnesses: tefillin and bris. Shabbos is also called a “witness”.
20:00 – The reward for Shabbos has no boundaries. Tzaddik is an aspect of bris.
21:00 – Yosef HaTzaddik represents Sohd HaIbur. שֶׁשָּׁ֨ם עָל֪וּ שְׁבָטִ֡ים שִׁבְטֵי־יָ֖הּ עֵד֣וּת לְיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל לְ֜הֹד֗וֹת לְשֵׁ֣ם יְהֹוָֽה – “There ascended the tribes, the tribes of HaShem, testimony to Israel, to give thanks to the Name of HaShem” (Tehillim 122:4). All are related: 12 shevatim, 12 nusachim, 12 gates of tefilah, 12 windows in a beis knesses, 12 months of the year. Yosef’s nachalah was split in two: Ephraim and Menashe. Uplifting the moon and restoring its diminished light is done through Yosef: the unification of sun and moon, which alludes to the unification of the two levels of emes.
25:00 – Yaakov Avinu gave Yosef HaTzaddik an additional inheritance: the city of Shekhem – which was taken away from Reuven. This relates to the intercalation of the lunar and solar calendars.
27:00 – The Tzaddik haDor receives that additional nachalah in every generation. He gathers the tefilos of everyone in Klal Yisrael and radiates that additional blessing into every prayer and every individual. This spiritual elevation is activated when, before Tefilas Shacharis each day, a person states his hiskashrus to the true tzaddikim. (Nusach for this statement is HERE.)
31:00 – Q&R about the connection between geulah and Yisod.
32:30 – PARAGRAPH 17. A woman is not permitted to testify in a beis din. A woman is not considered a fit witness in a beis din because she is an aspect of the diminishing of the moon – the damage to the higher level of emes that was done by HaShem at the time of creation in order to facilitate mankind’s ability to sin and then repent.
36:00 – The two levels of emes are represented by the two witnesses required in a beis din. No two souls are equal, there is always a greater and lesser one. Beis Din questions the greater one first.
28:00 – NOTE about the age 13 years old as prerequisite to serving as a witness in beis din.
29:00 – PARAGRAPH 18. Three dayanim and two kosher witnesses are necessary to declare Rosh Chodesh.
30:00 – PARAGRAPH 19. Purim in a leap year. We don’t say Tachanun on Purim Katan. Adar Sheni. Adar represents truth: רֹֽאשׁ־דְּבָֽרְךָ֥ אֱמֶ֑ת – “The beginning of Your word is truth…” – (Tehillim 119:160). The purpose of a leap year is to synchronize the sun and moon – uniting the two levels of emes – which accomplishes the unification of the Shem Y – K – V – K and the Shem Elokim.
***34:00 – HaShem’s Name is not complete until Amalek is wiped out. “Haman attacked the stragglers” indicates that Amalek attacks Klal Yisrael when we struggle  against distracting thoughts during tefilah. To dispel confusing thoughts during prayer: concentrate on the simple meaning of the words being said. This counteracts the sheker of these distractions and provides access to the higher level of emes.
38:00 – Q&R about Pesach Sheni.
39:00 – Q&R – Connection between ahava and echad – reference to Likutey Moharan 3.
*40:00 – Parshas Beshalach. It’s the tzaddik who ignites the spark of higher truth necessary to destroy Amalek. Yehoshua represents the moon, since he was illuminated by and reflected the light of Moshe Rabbeinu, who is compared with the sun. Yehoshua was most suited to bring about the downfall of Amalek and repair the deficiency of the moon. But he could only achieve this through his connection with Moshe Rabbeinu, the Tzaddik HaDor.
45:00 – וַיְהִ֥י יָדָ֛יו אֱמוּנָ֖ה עַד־בֹּ֥א הַשָּֽׁמֶשׁ – “…so his hands [were lifted] in faith until sunset” (Shemos 17:12, BeShalach). Why Moshe Rabbeinu’s hands were lifted in tefilah “until the arrival of the sun”.

48:00 – Closing blessing – today is Tuesday, Yom Shlishi is related to the midah of Tiferes – emes.

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